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Box of 96 units delivered to Amazon - 96 Unit Discrepancy?

by Seller_W09qpB9aZ3VZB

Hi all,

My shipment, after several weeks, was finally checked in and received by Amazon.

However, it says that there were discrepancies found with my shipment, and seems to be implying that all 96 units are missing.

They’ve asked me to upload proof of ownership and to open a “research missing units” case, which I have done.

Has anyone else had this issue? I originally thought it was because they needed proof of ownership before making the inventory available on Amazon but now i’m concerned that they have 0 units in the box?


Tags: Inventory, Missing
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In reply to: Seller_W09qpB9aZ3VZB’s post

Yes, I have come onto the forum exactly because of this reason

I have two separate occurrences of this.

40 items in each box, both arrived empty, one early January one late January.

Made a complaint to amazon who said no reimbursement would be made as their investigation concluded they arrived empty!!

No way did I send them empty, not a chance. It seems I have no recourse or actions available to me though to put this right,

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In reply to: Seller_W09qpB9aZ3VZB’s post

This has just happened to me as well. A box with 69 items was delivered by UPS but amazon FC are saying all 69 units are unaccounted for. I have asked them to confirm if the box was empty but I keep getting the same generic reply. I have asked UPS to look into this and they are checking. Has anyone had any luck from something like this ?

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