Create case packs to help drive higher-volume sales
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Create case packs to help drive higher-volume sales

Our Case Pack Recommendations tool helps you identify opportunities to bundle your products as case packs or add offers on existing case packs.

Case packs contain multiple single units (for example, six keyboards) and offer customers a lower cost per item and consolidated delivery.

Using case packs helps you increase your sales to customers.

Based on your catalogue and customer demand, we offer two types of case pack recommendations:

  • Create new case packs: We assess multi-unit orders of your single products to indicate if there is demand for these products to be sold as case packs.
  • Add offers on existing case packs: To suggest that you could add an offer on this existing ASIN, we review case packs for products from brands that are registered.

Explore your Case pack recommendations.

To save your recommendations in a spreadsheet, click Download report.

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Tags:News and announcements
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Its all good and well creating new casepack ASIN’s…but without a barcode, you hit a brick wall

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