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HELP - We found that your account is related to an account that may not be used to sell on our site

by Seller_WfE1bSbxhY852

Hello dear Amazon sellers,

We are new to amazon and amazon prime and 2 weeks ago we created our first seller account. We uploaded our products and shipped them to amazon’s warehouses in the UK so we can offer our customers prime benefits.

The day after our inventory arrive in Amazon’s warehouse we received this email saying that our account will be deactivated "We found that your account is related to an account that may not be used to sell on our site."

I appealed 4 times already and did not get a response at all, we have no idea what to do and why we got banned from amazon. We never sold on amazon, never dealt with any other amazon seller so we cannot understand how can our account be related to anyone else on Amazon.

Can someone help us who maybe had this issue and solved it? We can’t contact amazon at all as they are ignoring our messages.

Any help will be massively appreciated,

Tags: Prime, Warehouse
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In reply to: Seller_WfE1bSbxhY852’s post

Somewhere, somehow there will be a link to another Amazon seller account. To protect their security algorithms Amazon won’t tell you what it is, you need to establish that for yourself.

Some typical issues:

Amazon will look at your entire business as you have submitted it. As such this applies to anyone linked to your business including (as appropriate) anyone living at the same address, beneficial owners, directors, account operators.

It could be an account that that was shutdown previously. It could be an account that was partially opened but never completed verification (did you ever ‘half’ sign up as an experiment?). It could be an account that you thought was closed.

There are no personal/business distinctions - if any of you or the people associated with your account or residing at the same address have a selling on Amazon account, that will be a duplicate.

It could be the bank account number, charge/payment card details, 2 people in the same household.

At this point there will be a link somewhere, you’ll need to sleuth it out I’m afraid.

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In reply to: Seller_WfE1bSbxhY852’s post

The problem is now that I do not know if I should remove one of the accounts or to do anything else. Amazon does not reply to my messages, I already appealed and opened case after case but they get closed and I get ignored. Does this mean that I will never be able to sell on amazon with those companies?

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In reply to: Seller_WfE1bSbxhY852’s post

Hi @Polo_Polo,

As per Amazon’s Prohibited seller activities and actions policy, operating and maintaining multiple seller central accounts is prohibited. However, an exception to this policy do exists. For this we would request you to visit the policy page:

As your account selling privileges have been taken down because of relation with other selling account that is not in compliance with Amazon policy.

We would recommend that you look out for any related account that you may have connection with and understand the prime reason for which the selling privileges have been taken down on that account.

Once the account is identified and the reason understood, you will have to resolve the issue of the primary account first with an appeal highlighting the:

-Reason for the issue on the account.

-Corrective measures taken to resolve the issue on the account.

-Followed by preventive measures to avoid the issue in the future.

Post the restoration of the primary account, you can appeal for your account’s reinstatement.

To follow this process it is crucial to first identify the related account and issues prevailing in it.

Hope this helps,

Best Wishes,


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In reply to: Seller_WfE1bSbxhY852’s post

The only hope you have at the moment of being able to sell on Amazon is to close the most recent account and address the issues relating to the first account.

You will need to remove your FBA stock if that was sent in with the second account and resend it when your first account is reinstated. (I don’t think it is possible to transfer it over at the FC but someone else may know better.)

You should then send a plan of action detailing everything you have done, keep it short and to the point, bear in mind that this is going to be read either by a BOT or by someone for whom English is not their first language. Do not over explain and do it in bullet points.

If you search on the forums you will find examples of the best format to use posted by Kika for appealing suspensions for all types of reasons.

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In reply to: Seller_WfE1bSbxhY852’s post

Hi Forum

I have been trading on Amazon since last 4 years and today is my first post on this forum, i am a reader and finds lots of advise here, anyway

I am wondering is it possible that my wife can open another professional selling account given the fact that She is a

  1. Director of Ltd company on another address

  2. Business bank account on another address

  3. operate the account from different IP address/same address.

Please note that both of our surname is same &

Previously both of us used to be director of a company which has been willingly dissolved by us.

Any suggestion and advise is highly appreciated, Many thanks in advance.

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In reply to: Seller_WfE1bSbxhY852’s post

Thank you everyone,

I did what you guys said and followed procedures just to receive an email few hours later from amazon saying that my account will remaing deactivated and they do not share any details on this investigation. It is absolutely nuts that they would just ban both accounts, without a single warning before we even started selling! Now both businesses are pretty much unusable.

Does anyone think that closing one of the two accounts could help?

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In reply to: Seller_WfE1bSbxhY852’s post

The problem is that both accounts got suspended at the same time, the email was sent to both email addresses on the same day, same time so I do not know which account got suspended first? Or which account should I consider as account 1 and then account 2? any ideas? I am opening cases in each account.

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In reply to: Seller_WfE1bSbxhY852’s post

Very interesting thread!

I too recently have had a new Seller acct suspended due to: ‘’…We found that your account is related to a different account that may not be used to sell on our site. As a result, you may no longer sell on through this account…’’

This new seller account has been established with a new Limited UK biz, company registered address, shareholders, email and bank account.

I do have another seller account - which is in good standing - and operates with a serarate limited business bank, email, entity, shareholders etc.

The products I have sourced for the new account are 100% different - its a completely seperate biz model and brand.
I have submitted all the documentations, which have been verified.

It seems the account has a block. I can’t get any response from Seller Performance.

I read you have to understand the root cause, to submit a POA.

How do I get to understand the key reason why the account is blocked so I can appeal.

Any suggestions gratefullly received!

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In reply to: Seller_WfE1bSbxhY852’s post

I have only one seller account, which has an associated buyer account, and then a separate personal buyer account. Only ONE seller account. Is there a problem with having more than one buyer account? The credit card for all three accounts is the same.

A second question is I could close the new seller account and then re-register it once I have obtained a second credit card. Would this work?

and also I have only one physical address - is this a problem?

But I stress, I only have one Seller account.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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