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What's the Best Part of Being a Business Owner?
by Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4

Hey Sellers! 👋

We all know that running a business has its challenges, but today, let's focus on what makes it all worthwhile.

What's the most rewarding part of being a business owner for you?

Is it turning your ideas into reality? Helping customers and making a difference? The personal growth and strength you've gained?

Share your stories and what keeps you motivated. Let's inspire each other!


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Country/Region of Origin
by Seller_64pBXNhiTt31p

We recently received an emailing stating that some of our listings do not provide the country/region of origin and that this needs to be added to prevent the listing being restricted for international sales. This is perfectly fine however, I cant seem to find any information on how to find which listings don't have this info so that I can add it. We have thousands of listings and I have tried generating the report to show missing attributes, but this specific attribute isn't on that report.

The only information given on the email sent out is:

"To provide country of origin information:

1. Go to Manage All Inventory to upload by product; or

2. Go to Add Products via Upload to upload in bulk."

Does anyone know how to find this out or does Amazon expect me to go through every single listing to find which ones dont have the country of origin specified?

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Dear Amazon Team,

We are a team of five at Millennium Markt, and our Amazon UK account was deactivated a few months ago due to an intellectual property issue. Since then, we have made extensive efforts to reactivate our account. We submitted the necessary invoices, but the review process has been prolonged, leading to numerous communications with Amazon.

Our most recent interaction was on July 7th, when a team member inquired about the status of our case. Frustrated with the repeated "just wait" response, he expressed their dissatisfaction regarding the lengthy invoice review and the daily follow-up required. Unfortunately, he used inappropriate language not towards amazon team but well for emphasize the situation and his feelings and mentioned the unfair A-to-Z Guarantee claim we received, express legal action if the issue was not resolved. Consequently, our account was suspended for these two reasons.

Since July 7th, we have submitted 10 appeals, all of which were rejected. In response, we expanded our team to five by adding a communications expert and provided psychological training on stress and anger management to our team, investing significantly in this process. Each appeal detailed these efforts, but we were still denied due to "insufficient information." Our latest appeal was a comprehensive 29-page document, which was also rejected, although a second review was initiated.

As the owner of this business, a 24-year-old student, this situation has caused me severe distress and sleepless nights. My entire income depends on this Amazon account. I have already stopped paying my team due to this issue, leading to dissatisfaction and the risk of them leaving. The second review is our last chance; if it fails, my team has indicated they will no longer work with me.

The pressure and constant rejections have severely impacted my mental health and ability to focus on my studies. I am at a loss for what more we can do. Although a second review has been initiated, I am extremely anxious. Despite our efforts to provide detailed explanations, our appeals were consistently deemed insufficient.

We urgently seek your guidance and assistance to resolve this matter and restore our account. Your support is crucial for the future of our company and team.


Owner, Millennium Markt

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Tracking Numbers Late from Supplier
by Seller_AVGP8JQPnjgG2

I wondered if someone could help me. I ship some of my products directly from a supplier, however, he struggles to give me the tracking details within Amazons timeframe. I want to know if theres anything I can do to avoid bad performance on the VTR?

Thanks in advance.

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Account restricted
by Seller_3F4QZ3FLUTfiP

I have been notified that y account has been restricted .

Your account has been restricted. For more information, please view your performance notifications here under the subject line ‘Important information about your Selling on Amazon payment account’.

We’re Here to Help: If you have any questions, or you are unable to provide the requested information or documentation, you can contact us.

How do i un-restrict my account?

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Dear Sellers,

I'm facing a challenging situation and would appreciate your insights and experiences.

Here's what happened:

A competitor filed a design infringement claim against our new product listing.

Our design is different in many ways from the complainant's.

We've located their design registration on the UKIPO website, which was registered only a few months ago.

We have evidence that this design existed years before their registration date, falling under the grounds for invalidation as per Section 11ZA of the Registered Designs Act 1949.

Our listing has been removed by Amazon due to this claim, with new stock about to arrive at Amazon's fulfillment centers.

We've contacted the invalid rights owner, requesting they cancel their design registration and retract the Amazon complaint, giving them 7 days to comply. We've informed them that the product design was available in the public domain years before they even started selling on Amazon.

There are several other sellers still offering this product and have been for the past 3-4 years.

We're preparing to file for design invalidation with the UKIPO and pursue legal action for unjustified threats if necessary.

Has anyone faced a similar situation? I've noticed several threads where sellers have successfully had their listings restored after false infringement claims. Any advice on how to expedite this process with Amazon would be greatly appreciated.

Specifically, I'm looking for:

Tips on effectively communicating with Amazon about false infringement claims

Experiences with design invalidation processes

Successful strategies for getting listings reinstated quickly

Thank you in advance for any help or insights you can provide.

Kind Regards,


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Cancel an 'Open' Order
by Seller_rL22XgxMmK2Fr

We sell FBA. We found recently that Amazon had made one of our listings Active when we had never sold it previously (its never been Active, we don't want it to be Active yet) The listing in question is a placeholder for a product we do not yet have any stock available for, we opened the listing as we need the ASIN etc for the labelling in China..

In the time the listing was Active, someone has bought two units! The order is currently 'Open' awaiting payment verification.

I have been unable to cancel this Open order - please can anyone tell us how to do it? We raised a case with SS but they are currently sitting on it without any update since last week...


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My account is deactivated due to another account but i have no idea on which email the other account is linked on please help me with issue I have no way to contact to the seller support team

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Just loving this New Improved payment . Not.
by Seller_AJESum8MeHQmw

Private seller, have been for about fifteen years. In the past, I could request disbursement within a day or so, it showed up in the bank a few days later.

So, now, with this fabulous new system. Sold a book evening of 9th July, shipped next day. Last one I sold, money in the bank in under a week, because it wasn't held and I could ask for disbursement. But now, there's this fabulous new hold. Except it's even worse than Amazon state. Funds didn't come off hold till the 25th July. I still can't request disbursement though, that has to now be settlement period end, which will be the 2nd August. So, by the time I get my measly few quid, it will be almost a month.

I've dumped the rest of the books I've left in Oxfam, it's not worth the hassle.

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Seller Challenges.
by Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH

Hello all Sellers,

We would love to know what challenges you have faced or are still facing as a seller. Additionally, is there anything you'd like to improve, but don't know how to?


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Nationwide Prime cut off times and days Q.
by Seller_JkJ5Wu8mvvXN6


It’s been a long time since I don’t nationwide prime

Can I have my own cut off times? Ie 1.00pm our last post is 3pm at the post office

Can I just do it Monday to Friday only?

And can I purchase labels through buy shipping with Royal Mail


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