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Important update regarding Auto Cancellation timeline

by News_Amazon

We would like to notify you about an upcoming policy change regarding auto cancellation for Merchant Fulfilled Network (MFN) orders.

Amazon automatically cancels orders if they have not been shipped and confirmed within 30 days of the estimated ship date (ESD).

To protect and improve the customer experience, starting September 30, 2020, Amazon will automatically cancel any order which is not shipped and confirmed within 7 business days after the “ship by” date detailed in the “Sold, ship now” notification email. You can set this date by modifying your Handle Time, but please be aware this date is part of the delivery time calculation displayed on the offer listing and checkout page.

What does this mean for my Cancel Rate?

Orders cancelled automatically at the 'ship by' date + 7 business days will be counted as defects to your Cancellation Rate (CR), but will directly replace what would have previously counted as a defect to your Late Ship Rate. You can monitor both metrics in your Account Health dashboard. Policy requires sellers maintain a CR under 2.5% in order to prevent potential account deactivation. CR page can be viewed here.

As a reminder, cancelling an order at the buyer’s request will not count as a defect towards your cancellation rate.

Tags: News and announcements
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