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Suspicious customer review activity

by Seller_zm0hPr2oYHM9E

Hey guys, I have just had an email from Amazon saying that they are removing my discoverability because they believe customers are leaving false reviews however this is untrue, I am a new seller using all the tools available to me such as email automation to tell a story about my brand without specifically asking for positive reviews and pumping a lot of money into PPC. I’m following all the guidelines to make sure its done properly. My product is a premium environmentally friendly product so I am not surprised that those who have left reviews are satisfied with it! What can I do to appeal this or have amazon realise there has been a mistake? And is anyone aware if this is going to affect my future sales negatively?

Cheers everyone

Tags: Pay per click
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In reply to: Seller_zm0hPr2oYHM9E’s post

what tools and what exactly are you asking for ?

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In reply to: Seller_zm0hPr2oYHM9E’s post

I’ll not comment personally on the reviews themselves, but there are websites that will attempt to identify dodgy reviews and provide a more accurate rating. is one that gives a detailed breakdown if you give them a link to the product, They do remove some of your reviews. You can only imagine that Amazon themselves have something more sophisticated (you would hope)

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