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Account blocked and no Amazon response on apeal

by Seller_sRBZ12Zayv8tk

I took over the online activities of another company for a few months. several sales accounts were on platforms.
ao the Amazon sales account.
This had not been active for many months under the previous owner because there had been problems with it (the previous owner did not understand and did not run well (therefore also stopped, also due to the age of 72).
Previous company was my father’s company where I sometimes helped but did not own.

In my own company I also tackle things completely differently so that problems such as those in my father’s company on Amazon will occur much less quickly with me (for example, I have engaged a specific platform marketing party that advises me and helps me manage the platforms as amazon)

So I created a new Amazon account for my company.
Mind you it was really 2 completely different companies, different owner, different Chamber of Commerce number, different VAT number, other bank account numbers, other branch addresses, and my current company has only existed since June 1, 2019, other company had long since stopped selling on amazon) etc.

So created a new account for my new company and the first 30 products (of 18,000) were online.

Then I received a few e-mails from Amazon about my old account (the e-mail that was used by previous company for marketplaces is forwarded to my new address) concerns new VAT legislation.
So I once again logged in to the old account of the previous owner to check whether that account was still completely disabled (and that was the case).
Not long after that my new account was blocked for all countries because the new account would be related to an account that was not allowed to sell on Amazon.

I therefore appealed against this to all countries and that was on 02 October 2019. but this has still not been dealt with.
I also sent a support ticket about that, but also no response.
i had explaned all the above but no response att all, how can i contact amazon direct about this?

Anyone have any idea how I can get this resolved quickly so I can just start selling on Amazon with my new company?

Daniel Feenstra

Tags: Address, Bank account
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In reply to: Seller_sRBZ12Zayv8tk’s post

hi, hopefully someone with much more knowledge will come and advice

However, to add my 2 cents, from what you have described, you may be extremely stuck. Your first problem is the first account you took over -there is no taking over accounts on Amazon, unless of course you speak to Amazon and get permissions etc. secondly, you have told of the problems the first account had - depending on severity of issues, it also seems it was never resolved.

Opening a second account, which has now been linked to the first, effectively shows disregard ( in eyes of Amazon) and trying to bypass the issues.

So your chances of getting you account up and running, may be extremely slim, and by that I mean probably impossible.

Again I hope I am wrong, and someone with more knowledge will be along to advise otherwise

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In reply to: Seller_sRBZ12Zayv8tk’s post

I am sorry to hear that your Seller Account has been deactivated, however you should have been aware of the Amazon policy prohibiting you from operating multiple stores without a prior permission from the Seller Performance.

The policy applies regardless of them being registered using different details, as Amazon ties accounts to the individuals operating them rather than legal entities.

At this point, it is very unlikely you will be able to sell on Amazon again as suspensions due to related accounts are almost impossible to get overturned.

You will need to write a Plan of Action and then appeal, either through the Seller Central or by e-mailing

The Plan of Action should include:

– Why your account is related to multiple fraudulent and blocked accounts

– Why your account should be reinstated

– How you intend to avoid relationships with risky sellers moving forward

– A request for re-review of your account and why

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In reply to: Seller_sRBZ12Zayv8tk’s post

thanks for your comment.
a little bit of further explanation:
With accounts taken over I mean: I have received all login details of sales accounts at market places from the previous owner. that is from bol {content removed}, from amazon, decided, wish etc.
I then checked per account which I could and could take over.
Amazon was not interested due to the previous problems (there were some discussions between the previous owner and Amazon about handling (unjustified) complaints and the previous owner informed Amazon that he wanted to close his account). The account in question has never been effectively transferred to my new company, it is still in the name of the previous company, I have only been logged in a few times to assess whether transferring to my name was interesting / possible and later because I received emails about German VAT legislation. Furthermore, I have never done anything with that account from a new company and therefore just created a new account for a new company.

The only stupid thing (!! ??) that I have done is that I am logged in from the same computer to my previous company’s old account (of course I had logged in more often because I regularly looked with my father for his company) and now he had stopped the online activities for his company, had created a new account from the same computer / internet connection.

But if you have ever looked into an account of another company and that account is having problems, are you then never allowed to sell from your own company on Amazon again? That seems strange to me.

My biggest problem now is that Amazon has not responded at all in the past 10 days and I cannot get in touch with Amazon.

Moderator Edit (James_Amazon): Removed External URL

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In reply to: Seller_sRBZ12Zayv8tk’s post

Thanks for the answers again.
at the account of other company there are no open isues. the owner of other company and account had problems with a-z claims from custommers who orders products and waht to send back.
It where erotic products so custommer was told it could only be send back when the seal was not broken.
Even 4 times a free shipping label was send by mail but stil A-Z claims (5 claims for 5 orders of that custommer) and all where accepted by amazon and custommer got his money back without sending products back.
Becouse of those a-z claims (and some other simmulair ones) there was a temperarly hold in 1 country on amazon. Owner (72 years old) told amazon that he was accepting the clossure of account and asked himself to close also all other country accounts becouse he was stopping with amazon.
All issues are handeld and after 100 days the remaining balance was payed. (this is already 6 or more months ago)

I have not have been trying to transfer the account to me, just loged in to see status.

I have registerd at 1 juni 2019 my new company and started working for myself and 1 1/2 month ago decided i want to start selling on amazon also and made a new account for my new company.
As far as i can see this was the only good way tot start on amazon.

I can not solve things for other account and previus owner becouse thats not my company.

Frustrationg now is that amazon is not even responding tot my appeal and tickets. this makes it impossible to discuss and solve the problem.

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In reply to: Seller_sRBZ12Zayv8tk’s post

There were 2 options for appeal, 1 with a description of the cause, how that came about and how I would prevent that in the future.
The other option for appeal because account would be blocked by mistake.
I have used the latter and therefore cannot send in a cause description and plan to prevent it.

This is because, in my opinion, I had nothing to do with the previous problems of another company (of my father).
The only thing I had to do with that account was that I regularly checked for him how he should do something or if he had a question about something. I was not the owner of that company / account and not an employee of that company.

Only when my father stopped working with his company online did I start my own company and got the opportunity to take over existing accounts where possible.

I have taken over and continued accounts on 2 platforms (with the agreement of the relevant platforms). So I logged in to amazon only once and came to the conclusion that it was better to create a new account for my new company (exactly as Amazon wants, because accounts cannot / may not be transferred).

Now I can react again as an Amazon to the job in question.

But I will also contact seller support via e-mail, hopefully I will get a response there.

Totally agree, but for that amazon must first respond to my first appeal submitted on 2 October. I am still waiting for that.

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In reply to: Seller_sRBZ12Zayv8tk’s post

you keep telling me i had multiple seller accounts, but thats not the situation.
Both seller accounts where from different company’s with diferent owners at different locations.
Only i loged in a couple of times in the other account becouse i was asked for by the owner of other company.
when you log in into that old account a few times, i das not make you the owner of that account and not responsible for the problems on that account.

According to that logic it would be that if I gave my account details to any other competitor / seller on Amazon and he once logged in that his account would also be permanently blocked immediately because he is related to that account from that moment onwards and would be seen as the owner thereof. and that only by logging in to another account as his own account.

I nowe have send an extra e-mail to seller support with explanation of situation and why the problems what where in account of company from my father wil not happen in my account of my company

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In reply to: Seller_sRBZ12Zayv8tk’s post

What i had send to amazon was the following:

(explanation of situation removed)

After that I also wanted to start selling on Amazon, I then logged into my father’s old account to see if I could take over. it turned out that taking over that account was not possible.

So as I assumed I created a new account for my new company with the submission of all related matters such as Chamber of Commerce, bank, VAT number, etc.

later, at the request of my father, I was once again logged into his account (mail is also forwarded to me) because there were emails about the German VAT number obligation and he wanted to know if it was properly closed.

Pretty soon after this the account for my new company is blocked.

I hope this can be resolved as quickly as possible so that I can still start selling for my new company.

My company tackles things completely differently than how my father’s other company did it, so the chances of problems occurring at my company such as my father’s company are very small.

To start with, I hired a marketing party that is fully specialized in platform marketing (, who will manage all platform accounts for me and know very well how things should be dealt with.

I also applied for a German VAT number for my company (application is still pending) and will therefore make a proper VAT return in Germany.

Furthermore, in different countries such as Germany, France and the UK, I will also receive local return addresses for customers to handle returns.

In addition, as soon as my VAT registration is complete, I want to make use of the logistics services of Amazon and to place more and more stock in your warehouses.

I also have better new shipping contracts with logistics parties so that there is less chance of problems with shipments (that was partly the cause of his problems in my father’s company).

My ChannelTrading company is therefore not related to the Rowanshops company and with the other approach described above, problems such as those in my father’s company will not arise in my company either.

So I hear that you can release my account for all countries and I can start selling.

If there are any questions or if additional information or documents are required, please let me know and I will send it immediately.

Again for clarity: I don’t know what exactly all the problems were with my father’s previous account.
The only things I know about because I have looked at it are the following:

  • problems with shipments that did not arrive because customers used packstation addresses for Germany and sent it there with PostNl that could not deliver to packstations (he had no idea what they were and what the problem was). As a result, shipments remained floating, did not return and did not arrive at the customer. A-Z claims were made about this (which were simply dealt with).

  • There was a customer who placed 4 orders in 2 weeks and wanted to return or refuse everything, but had used everything from returns (erotic products) that were therefore refused because the seal was broken. a-z claims also followed

  • customer who ordered products for 300 euros (again erotic products) and who wanted to return but his messages already showed that they had been opened / used. it was also indicated that the return was not allowed if the seal was broken. So immediately a-z claims again and he had to provide a free return label from Amazon (the hygiene products were not addressed). then a free return label has been created 5 times via its shipping system which is sent to the customer via amazon e-mail address. Customer always claimed to have received nothing while Amazon could see that it was sent. In the end, Amazon repaid the customer at the expense of my father, so the customer could keep the products for free.

As a result, an account for 1 country was temporarily put to waste pending improvement plan. But since my father was tired of having customers keep products for many hundreds of euros without having to return, but he did get money back, he told Amazon not to have an improvement plan. and requested to close the account for all countries.

I am not familiar with any other problems, he only asked me to take a look at those matters, so I know nothing about other matters.

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In reply to: Seller_sRBZ12Zayv8tk’s post

Thanks for the responses.
What I sent was also not a POA but an explanation of the situation and what I do differently as a company from my father, which means that such things will not occur with me.
As indicated, amazon offered 2 options for an appeal, via a POA or via an explanation why the account closure was a mistake. Since in my opinion a mistake is / was, I have taken that action.
In the meantime I have sent more information as a supplementary message in a more POA form.

It is stated that I do not take responsibility for change, I find it difficult to take responsibility for matters that I am not responsible for and have not had full influence on.

It was my father’s account, I tried to help him with that (he is 72 years old thought it was too easy). The only thing I could do was watch occasionally and give him some explanation or advise what to do, but in the end he was the one who decided what he did and how he did it and I ultimately had no further influence or say in it .
I would have done things differently but unfortunately that was not up to me. partly because of that I finally started for myself so that I can tackle things completely differently and so much better and more professional.

It is therefore difficult for me to take responsibility for previous matters, but I can indicate how I will prevent this in my account for matters that I know have gone wrong. and that’s what i did.

But is it strange then that I find it hard to see myself as being responsible for the actions of someone else of whom I know only a small part of what is going on?
If I had known this, I would never have helped my father or ever logged into his account to watch and will certainly never log into an account of any other person again in the future.

Anyway, I am waiting to see if there will be an answer to 1 of the contact attempts.
Thank you for thinking along.


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In reply to: Seller_sRBZ12Zayv8tk’s post

yes, now I know that was a mistake and I should not have done that.
But we do not live close together so it was difficult to stop by, and I did not think that I would start all by myself and I did not know that this would be a problem.

I decided to start my own business much later after his account was closed because my father, due to age and lack of knowledge of online commerce, wanted to stop it altogether (his main activity was and has been at trade shows) and I saw good opportunities there to with a totally different approach much better to tackle (and that works, with 1 other channel I now have just as much turnover in 4 months as he had with 5 channels (including Amazon) in a whole year).

And yes, I am currently selling the same type of products, but my assortment is already much wider than his own (more and different brands and types of products). and in addition, other products will be added in the near future.

And now looking back and knowing that Amazon makes that link between accounts and by logging in from my PC to my old account, keeping him accountable for his mistakes, it’s easy to say that I shouldn’t have done that and was stupid, but that’s easy now but unfortunately I cannot go back in time to undo that.

So now I have to see that I get this resolved and that I don’t end up in the same situation as him, and I want to invest money for that (and I do that on all sides)

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In reply to: Seller_sRBZ12Zayv8tk’s post

thanks for your responses
That would be very annoying.
and I have only known about these forums for 5 days, so unfortunately that is a little too late. otherwise I would have done all that kind of business, new PC, new telephone and, if necessary, a completely new internet provider.

but what I still don’t understand is why there is no response at all to an appeal and to tickets / mails.
Most logical would be that in that case the appeal would be rejected.

Incidentally, it strikes me now that the message about blocked account for has disappeared but for .de - .fr - .es and .it is still there.

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