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Expiry dates and FC Shelf Life

by Seller_8OyGUqwKdXfCN


I sell food supplements and each product has expiry date on the product package.

I have to provide this info when creating listing, but it looks bit confusing and may cause a problem if done incorrectly.

First option:
Product Expiration Type

  1. Expiration Date Required: The expiration date is printed on product packaging.
  2. Expiration on Package: The product will be reviewed for an expiration date at inbound.

Can someone explain the difference between these two options?

Another option:
Fulfillment Center Shelf Life
FC Shelf Life is the number of days the product may be stored without becoming unfit for sale. For more information, refer to Expiry Seller policy and help page(s).

After reading seller policy i see this info:
Shelf-life requirements for expiration-dated products
At the time of check-in at the fulfillment center, all products must have a remaining shelf life that allows sufficient time for the product to be consumed in full plus an additional 90 days. For example, a bottle of supplements with 240 daily servings must have a remaining shelf life of 240 days plus an additional 90 days at the time of check-in at the fulfillment center.

So as I understand I should calculate how many days product can be stored in FC for sale?

If expiry is lets say 06/2022 - 365 days left
Product can be consumed in 60 days
So I should enter remaining 305 days? (365 - 60 = 305)

Tags: Fulfilment, Fulfilment Centre, Packaging
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