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FBA returns policy

by Seller_8babyIMk8JR6W

Hi, does anyone know what the FBA returns policy is regarding customer returns for items they have used.

We sell footwear and we have received a lot of returns with the complaint ’ Item Damaged’. On investigation we discover that the item was bought several weeks before being returned and they have been well worn to the point of falling apart.

We then have to take the hit on the refund whilst the buyer has had full use of the item and then returned it to us?

Where do we stand with being reimbursed by Amazon for these costs?

Any help/clarification will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

AL Brands

Tags: Returns
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In reply to: Seller_8babyIMk8JR6W’s post

To put it simply, you don’t!
The only time Amazon will reimburse you, is when it is warehouse damaged or lost.
That is one of the pitfalls of using FBA.

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In reply to: Seller_8babyIMk8JR6W’s post

do you know which pair belong to which order? if so,photograph and record the packing slip to open a case, stating this is not the same condition as sold. It might get you some refund but then it might classed as customer damage, so not sure.

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