You can use inventory file templates to create or edit your listings in the Amazon catalogue in bulk.
To learn more about matching or creating product listings in bulk, watch this Seller University video.
If the items you want to list are already in Amazon’s catalogue in the marketplace where you want to list and you do not wish to provide information that describes the item, such as bullet points or product description, we recommend that you use one of the following three templates, which can be downloaded here:
If the items you want to list do not yet exist in Amazon’s catalogue in the marketplace in which you want to list or you wish to provide information that describes the item, such as bullet points or product description, we recommend that you use a category-specific template. You can generate a template for the categories in which you wish to list by visiting the Add Products via Upload page.
If you want to list your items in multiple marketplaces, we recommend that you use the Multi-Marketplace Listing Template. You can generate this template on the Add Products via Upload page by selecting the marketplaces in which you want to list before you generate your template. For details on using the multi-marketplace features in this template, see the bottom of this page.
If the items you are listing are books and are not in the catalogue, or you don’t know the ISBN, UPC or EAN, you can use the Standard Bookloader file. You supply information about the book (such as title and author) and we will check whether it already matches a catalogue item. If it doesn’t match, we will create a new catalogue entry based on the information you supplied. Booksellers may also want to load inventory using the UIEE format. With this option, if you don’t have ISBNs, you can still load your items to Marketplace by taking advantage of Amazon’s ISBN matching. Books that don’t have ISBNs will have new detail pages created.
If the items you are listing belong in the Music category, you can use the Music Loader File. If your product is already in Amazon’s catalogue, Amazon will add your listing to the existing page. If your product is not already in the catalogue, Amazon will create a new catalogue page based on the information you supplied.
We recommend that you keep a backup copy of your completed template on your computer hard drive so that you can use it later to make updates to your listings.
The SKU is the key field in every inventory file and should not be altered or reused The SKU is the key field in every inventory file and should not be altered or reused within a single marketplace. Amazon uses the SKUs in your inventory file to associate your product listings (the product page ASIN and your offering) with your individual inventory level records in the Amazon catalogue. This means:
We recommend that you always provide the UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN when creating a new listing on Amazon. For more information, go to Product UPCs and GTINs. For the requirements for each category, including exceptions and exemptions where available, go to Product ID (GTIN) requirements by category .
Customers primarily use search terms (keywords) to find products on Amazon. Good search terms go a long way toward increasing product visibility. Most products can support five keywords. Think like customers do and use search terms that are popular on your own website or for your product line. For more information, go to Optimize your product discoverability .
Some categories support variation relationships that include a single parent product and multiple child products.
Parent products are non-sellable products that you list in your inventory file so you can create relationships between products.
Child products are unique, sellable products linked to a parent product. The child product is similar to other child products (or siblings) linked to the same parent product. However, the child varies from its siblings according to specific criteria. These criteria are described in the variation-theme section of the Data Definitions tab on the inventory file template. Acceptable variation themes differ by category, but might include attributes such as size, colour and flavour.
Set up parent-child relationships in your inventory file whenever possible. This makes search and browse results much more manageable for customers because related child products are grouped together. When you set up parent-child relationships, distinguish each child product in the title. For example, if you sell shirts and some are red and some are blue, use "Shirt, Red" and "Shirt, Blue."
You can view the child ASINs for each parent ASIN in the Amazon catalogue on the Manage Inventory page in your seller account.
For more information, go to Variation relationships.
You should use the Product template to add products that are not currently in Amazon’s catalogue. The template shows the required, conditionally required, and recommended attributes. Conditionally required attributes become required based on your inputs on the required attributes, optional attributes are collapsed in each attribute group. To expand the optional attributes, click the "+/-" signs on top of the column. Alternatively, on top left corner of the sheet, you can select "1" or "2" to expand or collapse all the optional attributes. The "1" button shows the default view and "2" button shows the advanced view with all the attributes. In the default view, first attribute in the group is not hidden so you can find the specific attribute group. For further information, download and read the instruction in the template.
When you open the product template in Microsoft Excel, you see several tabs along the bottom of the product template workbook. These tabs include the following:
Tab | Description |
Instructions | An overview of how to use the product template. |
Data Definitions | A detailed review of each field in the inventory file. This tab provides a label name, definition, use case, accepted values and example for each field. |
Template | The sheet where you provide your listing information. You can modify the order of the columns, but do not modify the order of the top three rows. The first row of this sheet contains information about the version of the template you are using. The second row of this sheet contains attribute labels that describe the information being requested in each column. The third row contains the attribute identifier that Amazon’s systems use to associate your listing data with the correct attribute. |
Examples | Examples of how to accurately format the data for different products. |
As you enter your listing information on the Template tab, follow the instructions provided on the Data Definitions tab. Some fields require you to choose from a set of values. Refer to the Data Definitions tab for these sets of valid values.
Before you start
Use this information to help you build your inventory file:
The Text File template includes a Data Definitions tab containing a detailed review of each field in the inventory file. This tab provides a label name, definition, use case, accepted values and example for each field. You will need to refer to this tab to successfully upload your products. The Data Definitions tab is located at the bottom of the Text File template.
Amazon offers suggestions for listing your product information that is proven to increase both visibility and sales. For more information, see Improve product details.
Images greatly increase sales and therefore are extremely important. Amazon offers advice on how to list the best images for your products. See Amazon’s product image requirements here .
Search terms are the primary method customers use to find products. Amazon offers tips on optimising these terms. For more information, see Using search and browse.
When using a category-specific inventory file, you should specify the operation you wish to perform on your SKU in the column labelled Update delete. There are three options:
Before you upload your inventory file, check that it meets the following conditions:
After you finish populating your inventory file, you can upload the file on the Add Products via Upload page. When uploading your file, ensure that you select the option that corresponds to the type of inventory file you are using.
If you selected multiple stores when generating your category-specific inventory file on the Download a blank template page, this section applies. Including additional marketplaces in your template will add columns for you to provide marketplace-specific offer data, including price. For each SKU, provide a price and currency for each marketplace in which you would like to list the item. The product data you provide in your template will apply to the SKU in the marketplace in which you submit your template. If you provide offer data in your template for a marketplace in which the detail page for your listing does not yet exist, Amazon will attempt to create the detail page by translating your product data into the primary language of the requested marketplace, which can take up to 48 hours to complete.
MMT is an extension of the category-specific inventory file templates that you can generate on the Add Products via Upload page in Seller Central. You can generate MMT by visiting Add Products via Upload page under the Inventory menu in Seller Central. To generate MMT, select multiple marketplaces before you generate your template. The list of selectable marketplaces displayed includes all marketplaces in which you are authorized to sell and have your accounts linked.
Use a consistent decimal separator throughout the template, including for prices in each marketplace. This should be the decimal separator that you normally use when using Amazon’s listing templates.
Prices must be provided in the primary currency of each marketplace. The currency for each marketplace is shown in the column header.
Unlike the single-marketplace template, MMT contains columns for each secondary marketplace that you can use to provide information about your offer (for example, price). These columns of the template are marked with headers indicating the marketplace to which the columns apply (for example, UK, DE). At a minimum, you must provide a price to create a listing in a secondary marketplace. If the ASIN does not already exist in the secondary marketplace, Amazon will attempt to create the listing in that marketplace for you.
Yes. As you update your product data over time in the home marketplace, your updated product data is translated into the languages of the secondary marketplaces and updated on the product detail pages in those marketplaces. Note that if you provide your own translated content directly into a secondary marketplace using another listing tool, that content will take precedence over any current or future translations performed by Amazon.
No. For each SKU, you can provide offer data for any marketplaces in which you want to list your item. Each SKU can be listed in one or multiple marketplaces in the template. The red highlighted cells are only required if you wish to list in that marketplace.
No. If the detail page exists in a secondary marketplace and you provide values for the secondary marketplace for price and currency in MMT, Amazon will create the offer for the ASIN in the secondary marketplace. If the detail page does not exist in the secondary marketplace, Amazon will attempt to create the detail page on your behalf.
The process of creating a detail page with your offer can take up to 48 hours, but usually completes within 24 hours. When you provide values for price and currency for a secondary marketplace, you are expressing an intent to list in that marketplace and Amazon will attempt to create the listing in that marketplace for you. It is possible that due to legal and compliance reasons, Amazon may not be able to create a detail page on your behalf. We recommend that you check your secondary marketplace’s Manage Inventory directly after 48 hours to ensure your listings have been created successfully.
For information, go to Amazon’s Category, Product, and Content Restrictions page.
Yes. For each SKU in your MMT for which the detail page does not exist in a secondary marketplace and for which you provided a price, the processing report will contain a message to indicate that Amazon is attempting to create the detail page on your behalf. Because the processing report is generated before the detail page creation process in secondary marketplaces is completed, the processing report does not provide information about the status of listing creation in secondary marketplaces.
Go to the Inventory menu on the top navigation bar, and select Manage Inventory. Find the SKU you wish to check and click Edit in the right column. On the Offer tab, scroll to the bottom of the page to find the status of the ASIN in each marketplace. If Amazon is still translating your listing, it will show as ''in progress''. If translation cannot be completed, this will also be shown.
In addition to providing values for all required attributes, Amazon recommends that you provide values for compliance attributes such as power_plug_type. Note that these attributes are not applicable to all product types and marketplaces and therefore may not exist in the template for all product types.
You must comply with all applicable laws when listing and selling products on Amazon, including applicable laws in each jurisdiction in which your products are sold. If you determine that you are allowed to sell a product in a marketplace for which MMT did not result in successful detail page creation, you can create the detail page by using another listing tool, such as a single-marketplace listing template or the Interactive Listing Workflow.
If the detail page for your product does not exist in any Amazon marketplace worldwide prior to your submission of MMT, Amazon will use the content you provide in MMT for the home marketplace as the source for translations when attempting to create the Detail Page in the secondary marketplace. If you have already created the ASIN in multiple marketplaces and have linked your accounts across those marketplaces, Amazon will use listing contributions from one of the marketplaces in which you have a listing for ASIN as the source content for the translations.
No. Product data provided in MMT is not translated and contributed to the ASIN in a secondary marketplace if the detail page already exists in the secondary marketplace at the time that you submit MMT. Translation and contribution of product data to a secondary marketplace occurs only in the scenario that the ASIN does not exist in the secondary marketplace at the time of MMT submission.
The list includes all marketplaces in which you are registered and are able to create listings in. You must have linked your accounts to access marketplaces outside of a region such as Europe or North America.
Yes, you can download and submit MMT in any marketplace in which you are authorized to list products in bulk. The home marketplace is not determined by an account setting, but rather determined by the marketplace in which you download and submit your MMT.
No, MMT does not provide this capability. The product images that you provide in MMT will be used for all marketplaces.
No, MMT does not provide this capability. To provide your own translated product content for secondary marketplaces, use a single-marketplace template for each marketplace or the Interactive Listing Workflow for each marketplace.
Select the marketplace for which you want to view the translated content using the marketplace switcher at the top of the Seller Central page. You can then view and edit the translated content by visiting the Manage Inventory page under the Inventory menu, and clicking Edit for the SKU you want to change. If you would like to overwrite the translation with your own content, you can submit content in the text box for the attribute.
You can use both BIL and MMT. However, if you have an SKU whose price for a particular marketplace is defined using a BIL price rule, the BIL price rule will be turned off for that SKU in the target marketplace if you provide a price in MMT or other listing tool for that marketplace and SKU. If you want to revert to using the BIL price rule, remove this ASIN from the BIL exclusion list for that marketplace using the Build International Listings page in Seller Central. Conversely, if you previously provided the price for an ASIN in a marketplace using MMT, and you subsequently create a BIL connection with that marketplace as the target marketplace, the BIL price rule that was defined when setting up the BIL connection will take precedence over the price previously provided in MMT.
You must request approval separately in each marketplace for most approvals.
Marketplace-specific errors for offer data that you provide in MMT will appear in the processing report that Amazon provides after you submit your template. If the errors do not prevent SKU creation, you can also view the errors by signing in to Seller Central for the marketplace you want to check and then viewing your SKU in Manage Inventory.
No. The product data for your listing in the secondary marketplaces is not deleted. The submission of MMT affects only the offer data (for example, price) for your listing in the secondary marketplace.