After you book with Amazon Global Logistics: Bill of lading, shipment tracking and changing a booking
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After you book with Amazon Global Logistics: Bill of lading, shipment tracking and changing a booking

Once you have booked transportation with Amazon Global Logistics, review the bill of lading (BOL) from your carrier. You can also track your shipment and possibly change your booking.

For more information, see these Help topics:

Booking transportation

Using Send to Amazon to book transportation with Amazon Global logistics

Product compliance

Paying for Amazon Global Logistics

Track your shipments (Shipping Queue)

Review your bill of lading (BOL)

A bill of lading (BOL) is a document issued by a carrier that acknowledges receipt of cargo for your shipment. A BOL for air freight is also called an ‘airway bill.’ Amazon Global Logistics will provide your BOL to you once it is ready.

Important: Review your BOL to ensure that it lists your cargo fully, accurately and in accordance with the commodity descriptions that you provided.

For ocean freight, your BOL will typically be available to you within three business days after departure from the origin.

For air freight, your BOL will typically be available to you within one business day after departure from the origin.

Because bookings do not allow the release of original BOLs, a letter of guarantee is not required. If you think that you have received an original BOL in error, complete a letter of guarantee so that your shipment can be released. We can provide you with a letter of guarantee template, if needed.

Shipment tracking

To view the status of a shipment, select Tracking a shipment under Shipment tracking and changes. Then enter your shipment ID.

Note: You will be emailed a signed proof of delivery (POD) within seven business days after your inventory is received at the fulfilment centre. It can take 6-10 days after arrival for your shipment to be unloaded and stored at the fulfilment centre, but your items will be available for fulfilment after that final step.

Changing a booking

Depending on the status of your shipment, it may be possible to edit your completed booking. For ocean freight, note that any submissions of the Automated Manifest System (AMS) after your designated cut-off time will cause delays in loading the container onto the vessel. Any amendment after submission will also result in AMS amendment and document amendment fees.

Edit the following:

  • Pickup or drop-off preference
  • Value-added services (for example, palletisation)
  • Weight, volume and box count
  • Exporter of record (EOR) and importer of record (IOR)
  • Origin contact and destination contact

To edit your shipping information and contact details after your shipment booking is complete, go to your Shipping Queue. Click on Work on shipment.

To edit your shipping information and generate a new quote, do the following:

  1. Go to Step 1 – Shipping information and click on Edit.
  2. Once you update your information, click on Update quote to generate a new quote. (Remember that your shipping costs may differ if the estimated weight and volume that you provide does not match the actual weight and volume. Your quote will include costs for both end-to-end freight and for import and export customs clearance. Your quote does not include import taxes or duties, FBA fees or any additional costs.)
  3. Click on Submit to approve the updated quote or click on Cancel to go back to the original quote.

A cut-off date and time for making edits will appear at the top of Step 1 – Shipping information. If your booking is no longer eligible for editing, this will also be indicated at the top of the tab.

To edit your contact details, do the following:

  1. Go to Step 4 – Contact details and click Edit.
  2. Edit or add your exporter of record and importer of record, as well as your origin contact and destination contact. You can also designate the primary contact by selecting Origin contact or Destination contact.
  3. Click on Submit to update your contact information, or click on Cancel to keep your original information.

A cut-off date and time for making edits will appear at the top of Step 4 – Contact details. A message will indicate if your booking can no longer be edited.

After you have edited your booking, Amazon Global Logistics may contact you to update documents or gather more information. You may also be prompted in Seller Central to update and resubmit certain documents.

To cancel a booking, contact us and provide your shipment ID.

Returning inventory

Amazon cannot return inventory stored in a fulfilment centre to an address outside the EU. To have inventory returned, you must provide an EU return address when creating a removal order.
