UK Multi-Channel Fulfilment 2024 fee updates
This article applies to selling in: United Kingdom

UK Multi-Channel Fulfilment 2024 fee updates

Below are the updates that we will make to Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfilment (MCF) fees in the UK effective as of May 16, 2024:

  • On average, Multi-Channel Fulfilment fees will increase by 5.6% . How these fee changes will affect your business will depend on the mix of size and speed for your products. Some size bands such as the standard speed envelope size bands below 460 g will not increase at all.
  • Six new small-parcel size bands (from 150 g to 3.9 kg) and one extra-large envelope size band will be introduced to better reflect the weight and dimensions of your products.

Frequently asked questions

1. When do the new fee changes come into effect?

The new Multi-Channel Fulfilment fees come into effect on May 16, 2024.

2. Why is Multi-Channel Fulfilment increasing its fees?

Multi-Channel Fulfilment fees have been adjusted to reflect the rising costs of fulfilment and transport.

3. When do you plan to raise fees again?

Fee changes are commonly made by fulfilment providers including Amazon on an annual basis. We continue to review our fee structure and if additional changes are needed, we will provide a minimum of 30 days’ notice to our sellers.

4. Are fees increasing across all ship speeds?

Yes, fees are increasing for all ship speeds, but the extent of the change will differ based on the ship speed, size tier and the number of units in an order.

5. How much will I be charged if I ship multiple units for an order?

The number of units in your order determines what you will pay for each item in that order. If an order has 1, 2 or 3 and more units within the order, your order will be considered 1 (unit per order) UPO, 2 UPO and 3+ UPO respectively. Your per-item fee will then be based on the UPO of your order regardless of size tier. For example, if you are shipping a 2 UPO order and it is made up of a small envelope 80 g item and a standard parcel 9.9 kg item, then both items will be charged the 2 UPO price for the respective size tier. This is the calculation method for all ship speeds.

Multi-channel fulfilment fee changes

The adjusted multi-channel fulfilment fees shown below take effect on May 16, 2024. Based on the table below, you can calculate the fulfilment fees for orders placed on websites other than Amazon based on the category type, product size and shipping weight per the new fee structure. For information on other multi-channel fulfilment services, go to Multi-Channel fulfilment: Fulfil orders for your sales channels.

Size tier Dimensions FEE BEFORE May 16, 2024

FEE ON AND AFTER May 16, 2024
Local shipment Local shipment
1 Unit Per Order (UPO) 2 Unit Per Order (UPO) 3+ Unit Per Order (UPO) 1 Unit Per Order (UPO) 2 Unit Per Order (UPO) 3+ Unit Per Order (UPO)
Small envelope to 80 g ≤ 20 X 15 X 1 cm £3.35 £2.82 £2.20 £3.35 £2.82 £2.20
Standard envelope to 60 g ≤ 33 X 23 X 2.5 cm £3.37 £2.85 £2.20 £3.37 £2.85 £2.20
Standard envelope to 210 g £3.39 £2.88 £2.20 £3.39 £2.88 £2.20
Standard envelope to 460 g £3.41 £2.89 £2.20 £3.41 £2.89 £2.20
Large envelope to 960 g ≤ 33 x 23 x 4 cm £3.43 £2.90 £2.20 £3.60 £2.90 £2.20
Extra Large envelope to 960 g ≤ 33 x 23 x 6 cm n/a n/a n/a £3.64 £2.94 £2.27
Small parcel to 150 g ≤ 35 x 25 x 12 cm n/a n/a n/a £3.89 £3.11 £2.34
Small parcel to 400 g n/a n/a n/a £4.39 £3.41 £2.52
Small parcel to 900 g n/a n/a n/a £5.06 £4.14 £3.28
Small parcel to 1.4 kg n/a n/a n/a £5.74 £4.77 £4.01
Small parcel to 1.9 kg n/a n/a n/a £6.56 £5.72 £4.73
Small parcel to 3.9 kg n/a n/a n/a £9.39 £8.39 £7.28
Standard parcel to 150 g ≤ 45 cm x 34 cm x 26 cm £3.71 £3.11 £2.34 £4.58 £3.31 £2.78
Standard parcel to 400 g £4.18 £3.41 £2.52 £4.78 £3.74 £3.20
Standard parcel to 900 g £4.91 £4.14 £3.28 £5.38 £4.26 £3.40
Standard parcel to 1.4 kg £5.74 £4.77 £4.01 £6.15 £5.02 £4.26
Standard parcel to 1.9 kg £6.56 £5.72 £4.73 £6.96 £5.97 £4.98
Standard parcel to 2.9 kg £7.90 £6.41 £5.90 £8.36 £6.66 £6.15
Standard parcel to 3.9 kg £9.39 £8.39 £7.28 £9.59 £8.64 £7.38
Standard parcel to 4.9 kg £9.80 £8.82 £7.50 £9.80 £8.82 £7.50
Standard parcel to 5.9 kg £10.20 £9.18 £7.80 £10.20 £9.18 £7.80
Standard parcel to 6.9 kg £10.81 £9.73 £8.27 £10.81 £9.73 £8.51
Standard parcel to 7.9 kg £11.21 £10.09 £8.58 £11.21 £10.09 £8.63
Standard parcel to 8.9 kg £11.61 £10.45 £8.88 £11.61 £10.45 £8.88
Standard parcel to 9.9 kg £12.02 £11.00 £10.50 £12.02 £11.00 £9.55
Standard parcel to 10.9 kg £12.42 £11.20 £10.70 £12.42 £11.20 £10.70
Standard parcel to 11.9 kg £12.83 £11.50 £11.00 £12.83 £11.50 £11.10
Small oversize to 760 g ≤ 61 cm x 46 cm x 46 cm £9.47 £9.47 £9.47 £10.32 £10.32 £10.32
Small oversize to 1.01 kg £11.18 £11.18 £11.18 £11.33 £11.33 £11.33
Small oversize to 1.26 kg £11.70 £11.70 £11.70 £11.70 £11.70 £11.70
Small oversize to 1.51 kg £12.20 £12.20 £12.20 £12.20 £12.20 £12.20
Small oversize to 1.76 kg £12.40 £12.40 £12.40 £12.40 £12.40 £12.40
Standard oversize to 760 g ≤ 120 x 60 x 60 cm £11.00 £11.00 £11.00 £12.68 £12.68 £12.68
Standard oversize to 1.76 kg £12.50 £12.50 £12.50 £13.84 £13.84 £13.84
Standard oversize to 2.76 kg £13.12 £13.12 £13.12 £14.43 £14.43 £14.43
Standard oversize to 3.76 kg £14.87 £14.87 £14.87 £15.32 £15.32 £15.32
Standard oversize to 4.76 kg £14.99 £14.99 £14.99 £16.23 £16.23 £16.23
Standard oversize to 5.76 kg £16.48 £16.48 £16.48 £16.90 £16.90 £16.90
Standard oversize to 6.76 kg £16.88 £16.88 £16.88 £17.60 £17.60 £17.60
Standard oversize to 7.76 kg £17.20 £17.20 £17.20 £18.83 £18.83 £18.83
Standard oversize to 8.76 kg £18.12 £18.12 £18.12 £19.57 £19.57 £19.57
Standard oversize to 9.76 kg £19.02 £19.02 £19.02 £21.40 £21.40 £21.40
Standard oversize to 14.76 kg £20.22 £20.22 £20.22 £22.52 £22.52 £22.52
Standard oversize to 19.76 kg £21.84 £21.84 £21.84 £24.70 £24.70 £24.70
Standard oversize to 24.76 kg £25.71 £25.71 £25.71 £30.95 £30.95 £30.95
Standard oversize to 29.76 kg £29.75 £29.75 £29.75 £36.20 £36.20 £36.20
Standard oversize > 29.76 kg £0.99/kg £0.99/kg £0.99/kg £1.21/kg £1.21/kg £1.21/kg
Large oversize to 4.76 kg > 120 x 60 x 60 cm £16.31 £16.31 £16.31 £19.10 £19.10 £19.10
Large oversize to 9.76 kg £20.72 £20.72 £20.72 £23.80 £23.80 £23.80
Large oversize to 14.76 kg £23.00 £23.00 £23.00 £26.30 £26.30 £26.30
Large oversize to 19.76 kg £24.20 £24.20 £24.20 £31.00 £31.00 £31.00
Large oversize to 24.76 kg £28.00 £28.00 £28.00 £36.70 £36.70 £36.70
Large oversize to 31.5 kg £33.00 £33.00 £33.00 £42.97 £42.97 £42.97
Large oversize > 31.5 kg £1.05/kg £1.05/kg £1.05/kg £1.36/kg £1.36/kg £1.36/kg

Size tier Dimensions FEE BEFORE May 16, 2024

FEE ON AND AFTER May 16, 2024
Local shipment Local shipment
1 Unit Per Order (UPO) 2 Unit Per Order (UPO) 3+ Unit Per Order (UPO) 1 Unit Per Order (UPO) 2 Unit Per Order (UPO) 3+ Unit Per Order (UPO)
Small envelope to 80 g ≤ 20 X 15 X 1 cm £3.69 £2.96 £2.31 £3.69 £2.96 £2.31
Standard envelope to 60 g ≤ 33 X 23 X 2.5 cm £3.71 £2.99 £2.31 £3.71 £2.99 £2.31
Standard envelope to 210 g £3.73 £3.02 £2.31 £3.78 £3.17 £2.31
Standard envelope to 460 g £3.75 £3.03 £2.31 £3.94 £3.19 £2.31
Large envelope to 960 g ≤ 33 x 23 x 4 cm £3.94 £3.33 £2.53 £4.14 £3.35 £2.53
Extra Large envelope to 960 g ≤ 33 x 23 x 6 cm n/a n/a n/a £4.14 £3.49 £2.66
Small parcel to 150 g ≤ 35 x 25 x 12 cm n/a n/a n/a £4.47 £3.58 £2.69
Small parcel to 400 g n/a n/a n/a £5.04 £3.93 £2.89
Small parcel to 900 g n/a n/a n/a £5.93 £4.77 £3.77
Small parcel to 1.4 kg n/a n/a n/a £6.60 £5.49 £4.61
Small parcel to 1.9 kg n/a n/a n/a £7.54 £6.57 £5.44
Small parcel to 3.9 kg n/a n/a n/a £10.80 £9.64 £8.37
Standard parcel to 150 g ≤ 45 cm x 34 cm x 26 cm £4.26 £3.58 £2.69 £5.25 £3.77 £3.28
Standard parcel to 400 g £4.80 £3.93 £2.89 £5.56 £4.47 £3.53
Standard parcel to 900 g £5.64 £4.77 £3.77 £6.14 £4.86 £4.15
Standard parcel to 1.4 kg £6.60 £5.49 £4.61 £7.05 £5.74 £4.86
Standard parcel to 1.9 kg £7.54 £6.57 £5.44 £8.04 £6.82 £6.22
Standard parcel to 2.9 kg £9.08 £7.37 £6.78 £9.58 £7.62 £7.03
Standard parcel to 3.9 kg £10.80 £9.64 £8.37 £11.00 £9.89 £8.62
Standard parcel to 4.9 kg £11.27 £10.14 £8.62 £11.27 £10.14 £8.62
Standard parcel to 5.9 kg £11.73 £10.56 £8.97 £11.73 £10.56 £8.97
Standard parcel to 6.9 kg £12.43 £11.18 £9.51 £12.43 £11.18 £9.51
Standard parcel to 7.9 kg £12.89 £11.60 £9.86 £12.89 £11.60 £9.86
Standard parcel to 8.9 kg £13.36 £12.02 £10.22 £13.36 £12.02 £10.22
Standard parcel to 9.9 kg £13.82 £12.65 £12.08 £13.82 £12.65 £12.08
Standard parcel to 10.9 kg £14.29 £12.88 £12.31 £14.29 £12.88 £12.31
Standard parcel to 11.9 kg £14.75 £13.23 £12.65 £14.93 £13.23 £12.65
Small oversize to 760 g ≤ 61 cm x 46 cm x 46 cm £10.89 £10.89 £10.89 £11.14 £11.14 £11.14
Small oversize to 1.01 kg £12.86 £12.86 £12.86 £12.86 £12.86 £12.86
Small oversize to 1.26 kg £13.46 £13.46 £13.46 £13.46 £13.46 £13.46
Small oversize to 1.51 kg £14.03 £14.03 £14.03 £14.03 £14.03 £14.03
Small oversize to 1.76 kg £14.26 £14.26 £14.26 £14.26 £14.26 £14.26
Standard oversize to 760 g ≤ 120 x 60 x 60 cm £12.65 £12.65 £12.65 £14.58 £14.58 £14.58
Standard oversize to 1.76 kg £14.38 £14.38 £14.38 £15.92 £15.92 £15.92
Standard oversize to 2.76 kg £15.09 £15.09 £15.09 £16.60 £16.60 £16.60
Standard oversize to 3.76 kg £17.10 £17.10 £17.10 £17.61 £17.61 £17.61
Standard oversize to 4.76 kg £17.24 £17.24 £17.24 £18.66 £18.66 £18.66
Standard oversize to 5.76 kg £18.95 £18.95 £18.95 £19.44 £19.44 £19.44
Standard oversize to 6.76 kg £19.41 £19.41 £19.41 £20.25 £20.25 £20.25
Standard oversize to 7.76 kg £19.78 £19.78 £19.78 £21.65 £21.65 £21.65
Standard oversize to 8.76 kg £20.84 £20.84 £20.84 £22.51 £22.51 £22.51
Standard oversize to 9.76 kg £21.87 £21.87 £21.87 £24.61 £24.61 £24.61
Standard oversize to 14.76 kg £23.25 £23.25 £23.25 £25.90 £25.90 £25.90
Standard oversize to 19.76 kg £25.12 £25.12 £25.12 £28.40 £28.40 £28.40
Standard oversize to 24.76 kg £29.57 £29.57 £29.57 £35.60 £35.60 £35.60
Standard oversize to 29.76 kg £34.21 £34.21 £34.21 £41.63 £41.63 £41.63
Standard oversize > 29.76 kg £1.14/kg £1.14/kg £1.14/kg £1.39/kg £1.39/kg £1.39/kg
Large oversize to 4.76 kg > 120 x 60 x 60 cm £18.76 £18.76 £18.76 £21.97 £21.97 £21.97
Large oversize to 9.76 kg £23.83 £23.83 £23.83 £27.37 £27.37 £27.37
Large oversize to 14.76 kg £26.45 £26.45 £26.45 £30.25 £30.25 £30.25
Large oversize to 19.76 kg £27.83 £27.83 £27.83 £35.66 £35.66 £35.66
Large oversize to 24.76 kg £32.20 £32.20 £32.20 £42.20 £42.20 £42.20
Large oversize to 31.5 kg £37.95 £37.95 £37.95 £49.42 £49.42 £49.42
Large oversize > 31.5 kg £1.20/kg £1.20/kg £1.20/kg £1.57/kg £1.57/kg £1.57/kg

Product examples

The following product examples help illustrate the new Multi-Channel Fulfilment fee structure.

Standard-size small envelope

SD card

Dimensions: 3.2 x 2.4 x 0.2 cm (0.000001536 m3 = 0.00005 ft3)

Unit weight: 30 g

Product size tier: Standard-size small envelope 80 g

Standard Expedited
Before May 16, 2024
Fulfilment fee £3.35 £3.69
On and after May 16, 2024
Fulfilment fee £3.35 £3.69

Standard-size large envelope


Dimensions: 24 cm x 16.2 cm x 3.5 cm (0.001361 m3 = 0.048056 ft3)

Unit weight: 150 g

Product size tier: Standard-size large envelope: 960 g

Standard Expedited
Before May 16, 2024
Fulfilment fee £3.43 £3.94
On and after May 16, 2024
Fulfilment fee £3.60 £4.14

Large oversize


Dimensions: 150 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm (0.015 m3 = 0.52972 ft3)

Unit weight: 5.4 kg

Product size tier: Large oversize 9,760 g

Standard Expedited
Before May 16, 2024
Fulfilment fee £20.72 £23.83
On and after May 16, 2024
Fulfilment fee £23.80 £27.37

Standard-size small envelope

Standard-size large envelope

2-unit order

SD card

Dimensions: 3.2 x 2.4 x 0.2 cm (0.000001536 m3 = 0.00005 ft3)

Unit weight: 30 g

Product size tier: Standard-size small envelope 80 g


Dimensions: 24 cm x 16.2 cm x 3.5 cm (0.001361 m3 = 0.048056 ft3)

Unit weight: 150 g

Product size tier: Standard-size large envelope: 960 g

Standard Expedited
Before May 16, 2024
SD card £2.82 £2.96
Book £2.90 £3.33
On and after May 16, 2024
SD card £2.82 £2.96
Book £2.90 £3.35
