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Suddenly All ASINs Disabled from Being the Featured Offer

by Seller_NATB0WDZ5P9NZ

Hello Amazon Seller Community,

@Spencer_Amazon @Morgana_Amazon

Suddenly, all ASINs in my catalog have been disabled from being the Featured Offer. This happened across all ASINs, not just one or two.

I've reached out to Amazon Seller Support multiple times, but they keep giving me generic responses, stating that my ASINs are not eligible to be the Featured Offer. Despite meeting all the eligibility criteria—excellent customer service, product authenticity, and no chargeback claims—this problem persists. Amazon has not shown any concern or provided any real assistance. i went to the official amazon people and just got cold formatted replies and no help

I am requesting a thorough investigation into all aspects of the Featured Offer to understand why this has happened so suddenly across my entire catalog. If anyone has experienced a similar issue or has any insights, your help would be greatly appreciated.

If an Amazon representative is here, please look into my matter. My Case IDs are 9938575802 and 9890623702.

Thank you in advance for your support



Tags: ASIN, Buy Box, Feature Offer, detail page
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