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Negative review for a order which is not mine

by Seller_7IuSefd9YpLUc

A customer purchased a order from me yesterday so it has not yet been delivered. Customer gave a negative review for this order and now knows that they reviewed the wrong order. I have been messaging customer trying to tell them what steps to take to remove the review but the customer cannot do this They have been trying to do it on their phone and apparently this does not work - tried this myself and forsure this does not work on a phone but does on a PC. I have asked the customer to use a PC but if they do not have the equipment they cannot do this.

This is very frustrating because the customer is really trying to remove the negative feedback.

Lets face it, the software options are difficult to handle, finding where to remove feedback is not easy to find even when you are experienced and the process of contacting support is being made ever more awkward.

This has been an unbelievable and disappointing experience for both buyer and seller surely Amazon can handle these situations better ?

Tags: Negative reviews
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In reply to: Seller_7IuSefd9YpLUc’s post

Amazon won't remove the feedback (I agree it should be possible to do all this on the mobile app). But amazon are unlikely to see things like this as a priority to fix, as the number of users it impacts is in the minority (and it doesn't really impact buyers - who amazon will of course care about more)

To be honest, easiest thing to do, leave a factual response. I know it won't help with the rating - but unless the customer can get to a device that allows them to remove the rating - its the best you can do.

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