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Deferred transactions

by Seller_oavl4D3corf6S

Dear Sellers,

Is there a new account levels reserve policy that I am not aware of?

I get paid every two weeks and the account level reserve usually becomes the beginning balance after payment has been initiated but this time the beginning balance is much lower than the account level reserve from previous period and now showing as standard orders and the rest of the funds showing as deferred transactions.

I have contacted seller support but the person I spoke to didn’t seem to understand my question well and has escalated it to payments team but would like to hear from you all in the meantime if you are facing similar issues

Kind regards

Tags: Payments, Transactions
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In reply to: Seller_oavl4D3corf6S’s post

You might have been placed on "Delivery Date + 7" disbursement schedule.

Check your emails received from Amazon, you should have been sent one a few months ago.

Mine is kicking in on the 3rd July. Just great!

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In reply to: Seller_oavl4D3corf6S’s post

Hello @Seller_oavl4D3corf6S,

Did you request an extension for the DD7 policy by sending an email to

Kind regards,


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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post


I have a similar issue, BUT, Seller Support, again does not understand at all, tranferred the case.

Several issues seem to have kicked in yesterday:

A: Account Level Reserve. It has averaged from £0 to around £600 for many months, I guess to allow for a few returns in transit, BUT is now £/Thousands. There are not that amount of returns, and Seller Support do not know why it has increased, but I then spoke to someone else, seems a common issue.

B: Deferred transactions (Customers get a free 30 days to pay, unsure why though, when it should be offered by Amazon, not the Seller), but anyway, I am aware about that.

C: Even ignoring the above, we have been paid daily if required. However, it is now showing: Transfer of £xx (amount due, minus A and B above) scheduled to initiate on 15/07/2024* *Transfers can take 3-5 working days to complete and the actual transfer amount is subject to change. View our for more information about when you will be paid.

The DD+7 was supposed to be set to September from previous messages.

Also, why is A as much as that, as that should not be as high, which would mean even on 15/7/24 we would be paid a higher amount.

Again, even if it is DD+7, does that mean the daily pay out has also gone/going?

Basically, it seems you have to wait a month to get paid, Amazon will be gaining £millions in interest payments. (Plus another month, so up to 2 months wait if Business Account Buyers)

Perhaps nag new MP's, unless a dodgy Seller, payments should be met in a similar way to Card Payments. The same as it has been until now. At most it should be a full payment daily for everything that is DD+7 as I had understood to be the update. So, if sent today, delivered tomorrow, payout would be 7 days after that.

Plus, general banking usually transfers now in less than 4 hours, often in minutes, so why 3 to 5 days for Amazon? If we are all having to wait DD+7, at least then it should be a same-day payout, on a daily basis.

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