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Rights owner claim - Banging my head against a wall!

by Seller_jKpls9pTdT4Vc

Hi all,

Hoping to see if anyone has any advice as I feel I am getting absolutely nowhere with seller support.

I started selling approximately 3 months ago and one product was from the brand Vaseline. In hindsight, I realise I had listed my products not on the parent "Vaseline" ASIN, but on a generic third party ASIN for the same product.

Within a day of listing, I received an IP complaint claiming my goods were counterfeit, from the alleged rights owner - who doesn't have a surname, a position or any other contact details other than a gmail address, and he has the audacity to complain about authenticity.

My goods are authentic and purchased from a UK based PLC with over £1bn in turnover every year. I have invoices to prove this.

This is where the problems started. The stock was moved to FC processing and held temporarily whilst I can resolve the claim. I have offered to take the stock back and even sell on another platform as a resolution, but SS are advising the only way stock can be released is if the rights "owner" retracts the IP claim.

I've emailed Sean multiple times, who has clearly no intention of responding to me, so we're no further forward. Seller Support keep following their script without using any common sense to work through a solution. I have been speaking to SS for nearly 8 weeks now but they just keep regurgitating the same responses.

My question(s):

1. Does anyone see a way forward? I've contacted the appeals team but they just say my invoices aren't a retraction from the rights owner, so they can't do anything and the stock just stays in limbo.

2. What is to stop sellers claiming to be the rights owner on basically any ASIN? Its evident (to everyone but SS I suppose) that someone with a gmail address isn't going to be the rights owner of Vaseline, but all the onus seems to be on the accused with no recourse? If this is the case, its incredibly poor on Amazon's side as I could lay claim to 50 ASINs tomorrow.

Just looking to try and get my stock back and then re-list on the correct ASIN,

Thanks for any advice.

Tags: Account Health, Product authenticity
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