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Account Suspension - Section 3 Policy Violation - Shipping Orders After Shipment

by Seller_nt5HFZPRoXi13

Good Afternoon

I am just looking for some community support. We had our account suspended on the 31st January for violating a Section 3 Policy. Specifically shipping orders after we had marked them as shipped.

We have been going back and forth with Amazon ever since. Supplying Plan of Actions and also supporting documents but to no avail.

We did use Maersk Shipping services in the Netherlands as a shipping aggregator. We would ship parcels daily and have them collected from Maersk who then forwarded them to the final mile couriers.

In January we did receive a lot of enquiries on tracking. Our Shopify store at the time submitted the Maersk shipping number to amazon rather than the Final mile courier e.g. Hermes or Colis Prive.

At that time we had 14 delivery enquiries and on each one we updated the tracking number to the final mile courier. Now I think this has gone one or 2 ways. When we updated the order I can see from the data extract on Amazon that the updated shipping info day is now showing as the dispatch day. example we shipped an order on the 3rd January, it didn't arrive, customer contacted us on say the 20th and we updated the tracking. The Amazon order extract now shows the 20th as day shipped (though original date shows in front end)

Could this be a technical error that has flagged these orders and we now have 14 orders showing as shipped after we originally shipped them?

Has anyone else had this issue?

Thanks in advance

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