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Struggling to clean up existing listings using our brand

by Seller_KReiXMJNH23BP

Having an uphill battle here! We are the manufacturer and IP owner, we're registered on the brand registry. These products have been listed by other sellers before we started getting involved on Amazon.

Now, information is incorrect, titles are inconsistent or wrong, some are (I believe incorrectly) listed in catagories which I'm repeatedly rejected from applying to sell, with no clear idea why.

For the ones I can add to my inventory, I've manged to fix the brand name on some, but usually I get an error relating to the EAN, which despite matching with GS1, throws an error and support just close my cases. I also get this when trying to list new products with our brand.

Many have old imagery that is different to the package that the buyer will get, which may cause a negative reaction. I've issued 'suggestions' for updates for the products I'm actually able to list, but these mostly get ignored by Amazon.

The worst is this one, where a seller has hijacked the listing, falsely claimed it as their brand, and changed the title to 'park' it so now nobody can sell it. Support won't help because I don't sell the product on Amazon, but because it has been put in this 'Gourmet Food' subcategory, I don't have approval, and my requests keep getting denied without explanation.

This is incredibly tiring and infuriating, I want to fix our listings so we can actually get some sales. It's a total mess and I can't get Amazon to fix obvious errors for products that we manufacture!

The only other option I can think of is to go down the IP route as, effectively, our brand is being falsely advertised (with things like outdated imagery) in a way that could hurt our reputation. I just don't know what else to do.

Tags: Add a product, Compliance, Listing hijack, detail page
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In reply to: Seller_KReiXMJNH23BP’s post

If you remove the sellers from your authorized sellers in Brand Registry, it should clear it up. Did you ever sell Vendor? If so, that is a years long battle to get their misinformation off the listings? NEVER SELL AMAZON VENDOR!

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In reply to: Seller_KReiXMJNH23BP’s post

Good luck with this at least your brand owner but that wont help when someone has listed with there own/made up brand to get round posting.

This is something Amazon really need to look at ideally creating some specific support staff who are adequately trained to help the seller and not paid buy the amount of cases they close by sending out trite cut and paste replies.

Wont happen of course because amazon dont see the profit in this as only look at the here and now costs. Clearing these miss titled items up would make there catalouge more manageable and easier to search (if amazon actually had a search engine instead of putting up random stuff when searching)

I believe they have put safegaurds in place to attempt to stop the hijacking of listings which the hijackers circumnavigate leaving the honest seller with an immpossible task to get anything amended without spending hours on the process that should take mere minutes.

@Ezra_Amazon @Julia_Amazon @Sakura_Amazon_ @Sarah_Amzn @Simon_Amazon @Spencer_Amazon @Winston_Amazon

Anyone care to comment or is this one of the topics that cant be swept under the carpet with we will contact the relative team :)

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In reply to: Seller_KReiXMJNH23BP’s post

We have exactly the same issue. We have lots of listings that have wrong titles, images, product descriptions but we cannot amend them as we didnt create them!

I have been advised before that I should contact the seller who created the listing and work with them to get the information updated. However, this is nearly impossible as there is nowhere to look up who created the listing, I have tried contacting all current sellers on it and none have created it!

I struggle to understand why Amazon don't seem to want the correct information displayed, it would reduce the return rates as the customers would know exactly what they are buying!

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In reply to: Seller_KReiXMJNH23BP’s post

Fixing obvious flaws on Amazon listings is a near impossible task, even if you put plenty of time and effort into trying to get it resolved. This is made worse, as anyone trying to actively help you and to fix your listings, just gets told by Amazon to contact you as youre the brand owner.

Pretty much every process at Amazon needs someone to have a long sit down with sellers and to work out an actual meaningful working solution.

But that will not happen.

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In reply to: Seller_KReiXMJNH23BP’s post

we can help with this if the product they are selling has your packing.

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