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Selling Partner Appstore

by Sarah_Amzn

Hello Sellers,

Did you know more than three-quarters of Amazon Selling Partners use third party software to manage and grow their business?

If you are looking to automate or scale your business, the Selling Partner Appstore is a great place to start. 🛒

  • The Selling partner Appstore is a one-stop shop where you can find Amazon-approved third-party software to automate, manage and grow your business.
  • Each app is vetted by Amazon and reviewed by selling partners like you, and finding the right one is easy using our search tools.

Since July 30, 2021, Selling Partner Appstore has been available without logging in, allowing prospective sellers to discover solutions. Selling Partner Appstore can be found under Apps and Services on Seller Central.

Once you find the solution you are interested in, go to the detail page to learn more. To subscribe, authorize and access app data, click on Authorize now on the detail page.

Each app is vetted by Amazon and reviewed by selling partners like you, and finding the right one is easy using our search tools.

For more information go to Selling Partner Appstore FAQ.

Tags: 3P software
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