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Amazons titles costing us money.

by Seller_KlbXZHzQGSDZv

We have had 2 returns initiated recently due to errors in the titles of an item.


Amazon Title - Annie Pattern, with Zip

Title should be IMHO - ByAnnie Out and About PBA282 sewing instructions to make your own Rucksack / Backpack / Knapsack in two sizes. Clear concise instructions

We listed on this item via the upc format.

However the title is incorrect both grammaticaly and factually which has caused one of the returns (amazon automatically issued a return label costing us £3.30 for a letter sized item below 100g on an item that we are selling for £12.50 inc postage))

We have tried many times to correct several of these but as on this one where someone has lited it as a brand called annie instead of the correct ByAnnies you get stumped when trying to get anything changed. Have tried today to add some bullet points to possibly reduce the amount of returns bt they have not come through yet.

There seams to be a policy of just blocking/making a simple operation very difficult any changes asking for hi res photos etc or supplier details and when we look through our listing we probably have 100+ of these that we would like to change the name to the correct one but dont have the time to jump through all the hoops that amazon want to put in the way when it is obvious that the original poster has made a mistake on the listing.

@Ezra_Amazon @Julia_Amazon @Sakura_Amazon_ @Sarah_Amzn @Simon_Amazon @Spencer_Amazon @Winston_Amazon

Tags: Listings
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In reply to: Seller_KlbXZHzQGSDZv’s post

Not related to this issue, but see my reply to your previous thread about tagging forum mods - these ones again may not be picked up by the mods as not highlighted.

Re. the title issue - I have many where the title is wrong (book category), sometimes just a simple spelling mistake, or additional words not part of the actual title, or irrelevant punctuation marks, but it is impossible to get these errors corrected - yet in the past, and I am talking years ago, these could easily be done.

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In reply to: Seller_KlbXZHzQGSDZv’s post

the bullet points and description text arent helping either.

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In reply to: Seller_KlbXZHzQGSDZv’s post

It's one of my biggest problems on Amazon, if I could actually correct the listings of all the products I could sell, my Amazon earnings would be a lot higher. Sadly, SS is very hit and miss on these issues with a ratio of 1 hit to 9 misses, which means it's not always worth it to waste time like that.

Ironically, I am allowed to list these brands products but I cannot correct the listings, because only the 'brand owners' can do it, which is funny as they are not even on Amazon.

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In reply to: Seller_KlbXZHzQGSDZv’s post

It has now become almost impossible to get any alterations made to product title or bullet points on Amazon for items that have been listed incorrectly by other sellers in the past, even when it is perfectly obvious that these details are not only incorrect but also detrimental to Amazons customers and the validity of the Amazon catalogue, I have a listing for 2 cups and saucers that have been originally listed as Home Furniture and Decoration, Porcelain, 1. Yet they will not alter this obviously incorrect product title. They will however go as far as not allowing you to list a product if it does not match what is already in the catalogue, and then serve you with a policy violation for listing an item with an incorrect brand name? its almost to unbelievable to be true. It will often make no difference what proof you can provide? photos of the product showing the name and details on the packaging, or links to the manufacturers website showing the correct details are all often ignored with the same generic reply ""that the detail page associated with this ASIN is controlled by the brand owner. Any product-related information must be approved by them. You are not a registered brand owner or a user for brand and Therefore, we can’t make the changes you requested"". All of which is very strange as Amazon state in their terms and condition for listing an item, that sellers must Provide accurate information to Amazon and their customers at all times", yet the catalogue has thousands of incorrectly described products which they will not rectify even when incontrovertible proof has been provided, and which is again strange for once a product is added to the Amazon catalogue and given an Asin I was told that Amazon has all rights to that listing, and should they feel that the information shown is incorrect they will rectify any incorrect details shown in their catalogue, no matter who the brand owner is, or who listed it

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In reply to: Seller_3k8TDkmfIcQlM’s post

We had a back and forth discussion with amazon a few years ago (when it was easier to get problems fixed)

and we asked at what intervals would they expect us to check all the titles and product detail pages of products were were selling

once a year, once a month, once a week, once a day.

and the upshot was constant and we should be checking every asin constantly.

perhaps have a system where when a detail page is changed it sends an auto alert to the sellers?

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In reply to: Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9’s post

If your the one who created the listing this is fine as makink alterations is a relatively simple exercise. When someone else has created the listing used the UPC of the product possible put in a different brand to get passed any listing problems then titled the product completly wrong trying to get that changed is like banging your head. It really should not be that difficult some of the ones that we have the picture shows the title of the item but amazon still dont accept that asking for a ll sort of details and suppliers websites which would mean spending at least 1/2hr per product add that to the 200 odd that i would like to amend to a better accurate title and people just dont / should not have that much spare time.

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In reply to: Seller_3k8TDkmfIcQlM’s post

I just want to reaffirm what penniewise5 says here. As a brand owner and manufacturer of the products we sell, we are constantly overidden by Amazon, with SS saying the "cataloguing team" (bot?) or "Amazon Retail" (Vendor Central) deem this incorrect information to be more accurate or suitable for the searching of our items by their customers.

Our latest issue is the wrong categorisation of our products which, over the 5 marketplaces is 100s of errors for which it is largely a complete waste of time to get corrected. Especially as, even if they are corrected, sooner or later the algorithm comes along and wipes out all the corrections and we are back to square one. I cannot make it up, so many of our headphones are incorrectly categorised in these categories: Baby Monitors; Stationery/Drilling; Dome Surveilance Camera; Crayons; Push/Pull Toy; USB Hub; Peddle Vehicle; Party Mask; Vaccum belt.

Even more worrying is the fact Amazon is more and more frequently altering our Brand name from "OTL Technologies" to "OTL", and when we want to make changes SS are telling us we are not the "Brand Owner". When I've asked why they are doing this, they say "their computers may be normalised to a specific value" "For example, 4K Ultra HD, Ultra HD, and UHD may be normalised to 4K on the detail page" so they think it's OK to chop half our trademark off and remove the little control we had as the brand owner.

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In reply to: Seller_CTfqgyINkSmIw’s post

I had one this morning, was a toys and game physical product - trying to create the asin for it.

approved by the brand

the amazon system tells me that the product is actually a downloadable software product and tells me to provide the other relevant information. (hardware platform, operating system etc)

erm - 3rd party sellers cannot sell non-physical sofware anyway - so why is it letting me go through these steps to create it.

and if added on manually it asks me all the correct "toy" questions/fields but then fails to create it.

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In reply to: Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9’s post

I think we have to face different issues; one is the bots that change category, and then you have a set of candles under sports - golf etc. The other issues is sellers who create listings without thinking. My favourite has to be those that copy the text of the wholesaler's product page including things like:

"this wholesale product comes in a cartoon of 24 units",

"check our website for other similar products that your customers will love"

"EAN 52098900938942"

"Thinking of visiting our showroom? Drop us a line and you will get a 10% discount"

"assorted colours and sizes in each cartoon"

"This Purchase is 24 Units "

"RRP £24.99"

We always have to be careful where we list our offers as the risk of having returns is very high if there is misleading information, some customers also try it on at the first occasion. I am expecting a A-Z any minute now as a customer complained that she got only one pack when in the listing there is a photo with three packs. The title and description are ok this time, they clearly state it's ONE pack but still.. I told her to return it if not happy but she wanted a refund and keep the item

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In reply to: Seller_3k8TDkmfIcQlM’s post

Amazon seems to think that we can just pick up the phone and have brands on speed dial. They make absolute nonsense requests of us, expecting that small third party sellers are going to get even a word from someone at a brand that might have the authority and motivation to make any changes.

I recently had a perfectly good Krups coffee machine get removed as Group Seb own the Barcode and Amazon wanted me to get proof that Group Seb and Krups were affiliated with Dolce gusto coffee machines. Aside from the fact that Amazon themselves are selling many krups dolce gusto coffee machines themselves, all with group seb barcodes, I also provided the trademark info that krups is owned by group seb. They still wanted a letter confirming affiliation between the brands.

I then set up a case asking for a letter of affiliation from Amazon, confirming their affiliation with the Tefal Brand, as I know they have one to sell their products directly through Amazon. Of course Amazon would not provide me one. So why would Amazon expect other companies to provide such a letter, when they themselves will not... Sick of this nonsense

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In reply to: Seller_EkGoiphKgUnUI’s post

What makes it worse is that when they mention the 'brand owner' they often refer to whoever created the listing, when the real brand owner is not on Amazon. In many cases they might not even be on Amazon any longer.

I am allowed to create listings for a few brands with the full authorisation of the manufacturers, yet I cannot make any changes to existing listings of the same brand. The manufacturers/brand owners cannot, because they are not on Amazon and don't do retail.

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In reply to: Seller_Fg2fqaWOnEtha’s post

If you are unable to edit listings already created, then you have the same access as anyone else who simply applied to list the brand. I can list brands and create new ASINs, with no direct relationship to the brand itself. In order to edit listings, you need to be properly registered with the brand registry as having permission to do so. And when Amazon say the brand, they do not mean the person who created the listing. The person who creates the listing is not necessarily a person with additional access, such as permission from the brand to edit them. When you go to your brand registry page, if youre not listed in there as having permissions for that brand, then you do not have access to edit them at will

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In reply to: Seller_EkGoiphKgUnUI’s post

That's how it should be, I am thinking of two brands I sell, both of them are manufacturers in the UK. although they have a trademark they have not registered the brands on Amazon. I asked them directly, they have not been on Amazon and have never created those listings which were very badly written and inaccurate. I have found other sellers in the forum that mentioned that in many cases the 'brand owner' according to SS, was just another seller who created the listing.

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In reply to: Seller_EkGoiphKgUnUI’s post

In an ideal world where everythings works correctly yes this would be the situation.


Title given Annie pattern with zip from the people who created the listing using the correct UPC but using an incorrect brand of Annie.

If you go to the listing you can see the picture of the pattern which has the correct name of the pattern on the picture.

As you have stated we cannot correct this as we are not Annie but nobody is Annie as the pattern should have been listed with the brand name ByAnnies Patterns.

You go through seller support for 20 mins showing them the issue poin them to the original website and they still say they cannot correct the incorrect title. We have about 60 of these patterns listed and could improve 90% of the listings with ease and about 30% where the title is totally incorrect.

Alas Amazon are totally disinterested in this as it cant be solved by a biot and needs some intelligent human interaction.

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In reply to: Seller_KlbXZHzQGSDZv’s post

Of course you can't change other sellers' listings, otherwise it will make so much chaos. I think it's right only people who create the listings can change product information. You can create your own listing if you want to change some information.

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In reply to: Seller_KlbXZHzQGSDZv’s post

This is why there are so many made up, non-real Brands, so that Seller can have their 'own listing', like eBay.

Then they control that listing and alter it, etc.

BUT, as many are just generic items, it is very confusing.


We also get the issue all the time with real brands, and the listing is wrong, SS just say Brand Owner at fault and the listing is ok with the error on it. Causing bad feedback, returns, etc.

The Brand Owner is often not on Amazon, and they have said Sellers to action, nothing to do with them. In fact, 1 Brand Owner cannot even alter listings that were on Amazon before they registered, as they have done that to try and fix the wrong litings for Sellers.

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