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Seller on Listing Aggressive Undercutting

by Seller_ePCYtnJrEOYgU

I started listing on a brand which I had to wait 5 months to start to list and finally got approved for.

I jumped on the listing with a fair price as a new seller with just a pound or two cheaper than the featured offer, and I made a good profit of it for that two day span.

Then a massive decrease, due to a seller aggressively undercutting me, but not just once, after I tried to go slightly under, the guy cuts and we enter a price war and he ends up always winning with his price changing the second I do so.

I have no idea what to do as the product is too good to give up.

Does anyone have any advice.

ps. i was thinking of send some product out for FBA as nobody on the listing is doing it, is it worth it and will i win the featured offer if i do so while keeping my price within a pound or two higher of the competition.

Tags: Pricing
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In reply to: Seller_ePCYtnJrEOYgU’s post

Nothing personal , it's just business , comes to mind. Many lessons lie ahead

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In reply to: Seller_ePCYtnJrEOYgU’s post

Why did you have to undercut, you can just match a price

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In reply to: Seller_ePCYtnJrEOYgU’s post

Sit slightly above their lowest price so they sell out quick for not much profit, wait for their stock to run out and then the listing is yours

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In reply to: Seller_ePCYtnJrEOYgU’s post

That's the auto pricing feature so he will have that switched on. It's on one of the menus

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In reply to: Seller_ePCYtnJrEOYgU’s post

This is the oldest one in the book, nobody can afford to sell at a loss and your best bet is to ride it out and eventually they will have sold out or bankrupted their business, nobody can maintain a price below cost.

Some of my best sales come from products that I refused to cut the price, just waited until all the others had gone and then had it to myself, remember if it is too good to be true then it probably is.

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In reply to: Seller_ePCYtnJrEOYgU’s post

Im on a listing with a friend and another seller I dont know. Me and my friend held a steady price but the third party didnt want to play nicely and undercut us both. As they have only a handful of reviews, and I know they dont have a repricer, Ive since gone aggressive and auto undercut now every time he reprices....

If you start your approach with a more passive pricing strategy, many experienced sellers will do the same.... If you price aggressively against them, they might crush your profits into the ground, as they have hundreds more ASINs making money and dont mind a little hit on one to keep the cash flowing and to teach a life lesson...

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