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Dear British sellers, have you ever encountered the problem of sudden no exposure and no data on advertisements?

by Seller_RGR8FHgmFoM7B

Sellers, hello everyone, now I have a problem with my UK site ads. After February 25th, two of the ad groups have no exposure and no data. The ad bidding budget has been increased, and many attempts have been made. It’s still useless. I have contacted Amazon customer service, but I have been to no avail. Have any sellers encountered the same problem as me? Is there any solution?

Tags: Royal Mail, UPS
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In reply to: Seller_RGR8FHgmFoM7B’s post

Do your products have the buy box?

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In reply to: Seller_RGR8FHgmFoM7B’s post

Hi @Hiyang_store,

Increasing the daily budget if it’s not currently running out before the end of the day will have little effect on your ads’ exposure. To help get more exposure for your ads, we recommend adding more keywords, using all three match types (broad, phrase, and exact), and increasing the individual bids on your keywords – rather than the campaign’s overall daily budget.

If you’d like to learn more about keywords, match types, and bidding, we have a free webinar that you can sign up for. You can also ask our advertising specialists questions during this time: Introduction to keywords and sponsored ads.


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