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Amazon Ads shopping season summit

by Jessica_Amazon_

We’re here to help you get your advertising totally set for the holiday shopping season.

Over November 3 and 4, we’ll give you quick tips and easy-to-follow guidance for getting the most out of your advertising.

Learn with special guest speakers from global agencies and businesses across Amazon. Hear how other advertisers fine-tuned their ads for the holidays and helped boost returns. And get step-by-step, scenario-based recommendations that help you set up and refine your campaigns and branding.

Day one: Wednesday, November 3, 2021 9am – 12pm GMT

The summit will launch with three hours of content and conversation:

  • Use campaign insights to choose the best Sponsored Products targeting strategies and ASINs for your goals
  • Learn how coupons can help you bring even more visibility to your ads
  • Review common Q4 advertising challenges (think reallocating budget across campaigns, or adjusting placement bids to help increase sales)—and get quick fixes for them
  • Understand how to use new features, like budget rules, to streamline your campaigns

Register for day one >

Day two: Thursday, November 4, 2021 9am-12pm GMT

If you’re enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry, you’ll spend the second day:

  • Learning creative and copywriting tips for your holiday campaigns, with a live demo on how to apply them
  • Hearing firsthand from moderation specialists how you can help avoid rejections
  • Going through how to create a more engaging, holiday-centered Store and measure its impact

Register for day two >

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