Read onlyHas anyone else had problems with their listings being suppressed recently?
I don't know what is going on with Amazon - I've had listings up for years, and all of a sudden my listings are getting supressed left right and centre!
Images are missing from lots of listings - some supressed, some not.
I've been trying to update the images, but then I've found that my parent and child variations have all split up. I'm trying to put fresh variations on, but then I've got the error message stating ""The brand name you have entered has not been approved by Amazon" - I've had my brand approved and these listings up for years.
I've been in touch with seller support who haven't been any help, they just want me to relist all the variations, but then I'm getting stuck doing that.
Has anyone had anything like this happen before? My sales are ridiculously low, and I need to do something to sort this out.
Little bit of background, I sell personalised invitations and stickers, so everything is designed by me, printed and posted by me - it's my brand, which hasn't changed at all. So my variations are 5 invitations, 10 invitations, 20 invitations etc, but their now all showing as separate listings.
I don't want to do fresh listings or variations, because surely that would loose any sales history and rankings that I've managed to get.
Can anyone shed any light or advise what my best course of action is?
Many thanks in advance.
Maybe the Parent has split from the Children because of Image issues with the Parent ASIN.
If you use the following link you can see more details on Search Supressed and Inactive listings = Fix My Products
I understand this is your brand but can I just ask do you have a trade mark and are you brand registered?
Yes been happening to me too, certain listings having images pulled from them and being search surpressed.
Hello @Seller_iIetAzyeMp27T
Following on your post. Were you able to solve the situation? If not, could you provide case ID related to this matter for us to have a look?
Any assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support channel.
We have same issue here, images missing, listingting supressed on the daily basis. Multi variations listing becoming individual, god know what these clowns doing again.
** UPDATE ** I never managed to fully resolve this, I had to do as much as I could manually, and I've ended up refreshing and replacing my images, and re-attaching children listings to parents where I can - I've decided going forward to not offer variations, and just let customers buy multiples of 10s to stop it from happening again.