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Cannnot upload country specific product images as the brand owner

by Seller_gAKd3oudaNFHp

UK based seller and expanding to other markets. I've been trying to upload Germany specific images via the correct image upload tool but nothing updates.

After creating a case with Amazon support I keep getting the same response.

"Please note that the claiming representative of the brand is notified. If you are the brand owner too, you are not the winning representative of the brand."

I have brand registry, I am the owner, manufacturer and only seller for this brand but I'm not receiving any notifications and I'm just going around in circles with Amazon support. They will not provide me with any further information just the same copy and paste response.

Has anyone experienced similar and managed to resolve it?

Tags: Brand Registry
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In reply to: Seller_gAKd3oudaNFHp’s post

Hello @Seller_gAKd3oudaNFHp,

Could you share the case ID so I will take a look?



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