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Incorrect FBA measurement

by Seller_HoZ3PpFrSRDRW

Hello everyone

Is any one having insure with FBA measurement small and light? items checked with Royal Mail Guide measure before sending and the height is 2.5cm and less it s just go easy in, FBA say is 2.9cm height, I come with the images of proof and no results at all from them as the Fee charge is £1.42 not £0.85 as suppose to be, any suggestion what to do?

Tags: FBA, Royal Mail
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In reply to: Seller_HoZ3PpFrSRDRW’s post

Yes we have sometimes
Just go to help and type in the box ‘remeasure’ and it’ll take you to the page where you can enter the fnsku and request a remeasure

Make sure you use fnsku not asin so they measure yours

Edit - how heavy is the item ?

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In reply to: Seller_HoZ3PpFrSRDRW’s post

For this item they say is 2.6cm, I keep coming whit images and nothing

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In reply to: Seller_HoZ3PpFrSRDRW’s post

Have you also double checked that they are actually still enrolled in small and light ?

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In reply to: Seller_HoZ3PpFrSRDRW’s post
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In reply to: Seller_HoZ3PpFrSRDRW’s post

and I have so many items same problem, I have stop sell those items with FBA because they charge to much fee 1 item take me to sort out 2 months still not finish that case, still around 30 items like that and I know I am right, costumer service is just wasting my time and other people time

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In reply to: Seller_HoZ3PpFrSRDRW’s post

  • Length: 27.71 cm

  • Width: 19 cm

  • Height: 2.59 cm

  • Weight: 0.1 kg

This is the measurement for this item, amazon said… I ask my self REALLY? Maybe someone here can hear me

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In reply to: Seller_HoZ3PpFrSRDRW’s post

This the measurement for this item Amazon said

  • Length: 20.29 cm
  • Width: 15.19 cm
  • Height: 2.90 cm
  • Weight: 0.10 kg
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In reply to: Seller_HoZ3PpFrSRDRW’s post

I had a nightmare and ended up calling them, they were measuring greeting cards at 300g and 5cm thick,

Took me literally weeks to get it sorted but I did eventually along with around £20 fees refunded that they’d overcharged me.

I think they just put it into a machine which measures the largest part (ie if that label folded up then they’d measure that) instead of using their common sense. Its the only solution I can come up with to work out how they measure my basic flat, unembellished cards at over 1cm, luckily for most it doesn’t affect my fees and I just give up fighting them for the sake of my sanity unless the fees are wrong.

Just persevere on, you will get there eventually (i dunno if its a coincidence but seems to work for me filling out the “how did we do” with 1 stars before reopening the case seems to get someone a bit more capable of reading if you can’t actually ring them)

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In reply to: Seller_HoZ3PpFrSRDRW’s post

There is a ‘remeasure’ section on the help. You put in the ASIN and request it and they will refund any they have sold. I have to do it every few months and have received a lot of money back. Very easy process which is rare in Amazon.

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In reply to: Seller_HoZ3PpFrSRDRW’s post

A lot lately, have 6 different ASINs currently trying to get corrected.
They are all nowhere near what they should be, which is under 2.5cm for small & light. 3 of the ASINs are actually under 1.0cm so who knows what they are doing but have been told all centres have new equipment !!
Have just been told by escalations to remove all stock and resend them again as different FBA centres are all getting different measurements even though exactly the same product.
Managed to get 1 cubiscan done that was right and they still have not added it to the listing after 22 days so charges are all still wrong £1-42 instead of £0.85.
This particular ASIN has over 1800 units overcharged to which I have now been reimbursed just under half but still have the wrong sizes in.
Very hard work as normally remeasure section is fine but believe new equipment is causing a problem.

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