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A-Z is a complete farce

by Seller_fj3M54GkuGQyT

I am posting this more to vent than anything.

I must say that I rarely get any A-Z claims so consider myself fortunate in that regard, however, I’ve had two A-Z claims in the past week and on both occasions, the Royal Mail tracking has shown that the orders have been DELIVERED.

Normally when we are unfortunate enough to have an item not arrive, the customer will request a replacement rather than immediately request a refund so it always peeks my suspicion when a customer immediately asks for a refund instead.

The first order even has a photo showing the delivery, together with the GPS map, yet Amazon have refunded the customer out of our funds anyway.

The second order just has the GPS map but still shows as delivered.

Both A-Z claims have been granted and the appeals rejected with the usual ‘we stand by our decision’.

It is wholly unacceptable where there is evidence of delivery that Amazon employees completely ignore the ‘evidence’ and refund the customer anyway, which leaves me wondering, at what point does this become Amazon being complicit in fraud against sellers?

Ok, these orders are relatively low value (one at £11 and one at £23), but when Amazon are constantly screwing sellers over and don’t give a rats backside about their sellers, this is just another nail in the coffin.

Absolutely sick of Amazon treating its sellers like scum.

I have already tried reaching out to the managing director email about these two claims but not holding out any help whatsoever.

Tags: A to Z Claims
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In reply to: Seller_fj3M54GkuGQyT’s post

I posted this on another reply:

If this was a SFP or an FBA order Amazon would reimburse you 100%. Merchant fulfilled A-Z forget it Amazon does not want to know, I can see this being the next complaint to the office of fair trading as Amazon pushes you to use SFP or FBA. Reason, buyer Prime membership or pay a delivery charge.

It was reported last year that 3rd party sellers account for more than 50% of Amazon's turnover, you would think we would get better treated.

This needs to be taken further to make it fair, why does Amazon cover the seller if SFP and FBA but not against A-Z claims ????

SFP - SAFE-T claim 'item refunded not returned me' 100% reimbursed

FBA - Automated 100% reimbursement after 45 days

A-Z - a fist up the backside even if you had the buyer stood in the delivery photo holding his ID and accepting the parcel. Claim 100% granted to the buyer 0% chance to the seller for reimbursement.

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In reply to: Seller_fj3M54GkuGQyT’s post

speaking the truth here!

I'm tired of these unfair, unjust, lack of due diligence, completely biased, lack of understanding, injustice, theft of these AZ claims from amazon.

i got denied my appeal as the item got delivered 1 day late. customer got a £100 item for free at my expense. happen a few times now and yet the sellers cant do anything and all we get is a copy and paste response from Amazon

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In reply to: Seller_fj3M54GkuGQyT’s post

Our latest one - Tracked and signed for delivery purchased via Amazon buy shipping, Royal Mail tracking shows delivered and signed for BY CUSTOMER with photo at the door - The customer claims INR, A-Z granted, Appeal denied, MD email ignored, and to cap it all they held the claim against our ODR!

The result - All high ticket priced items removed from this platform and sold elsewhere on the net. Nice one Amazon!

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In reply to: Seller_fj3M54GkuGQyT’s post

I had an A-Z issue lately with a shipping label bought through Amazon where the customer claimed a non-delivery.

Their policy states:

" If you purchase Amazon’s Buy Shipping and dispatch on time, you are protected against A-to-z claims where a customer reports problems with delivery. Those claims will not affect your Order Defect Rate but you are still responsible for the financial loss of these claims."

I made an appeal stating this but it got denied with the reply "Upon further review, we have decided to uphold our original decision.". I wish Amazon would stick to their own policies.

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In reply to: Seller_fj3M54GkuGQyT’s post

Same here! Its a farce. Even with Tracking and Images im Loosing A-Z Claims. Had one the other day the buyer refused delivery (on due date), Opened an A-Z Claim, they won it, and within about 45 mins collected the item.

Gonna go buy a PS5 this week from Amazon and just claim it didnt arrive coz I know they'll just refund me. Absolute joke

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In reply to: Seller_fj3M54GkuGQyT’s post

We just had a customer order 100 items, total value £7,000. Then claim he got none of them, even though they were delivered, and he's just refunded. So £7,000 down the drain I guess.

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