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PLEASE HELP. Amazon deactivated listing due to customer complaining wrong product

by Seller_JpSadWFzcbFCf

I would really appreciate if anyone can help with the following as seller support have been useless:

I have sold hundreds of a particular product without issue, had nearly 100 reviews 4.1 stars. Out of the blue Amazon have now deactivated the listing saying a customer complained they recieved the wrong product. I have tried uploading invoices from supplier as evidence I have the right product as I don't believe it was the wrong product, I have also tried accepting it was the wrong product writing documents describing how this could be prevented in the future describing quality control procedures and checks that will take place to ensure it doesnt happen again (I dont believe the wrong product was ever shipped) any way, they are rejecting everything it is so furstrating time consuming and costly, I have missed so much sales, paying stranded inventory fees month after month, now face having my inventory disposed.

Please can anyone advise how exactly I can get my listing reinstated?

FYI I recieved the reply from amazon below even though nothing I try to action from it works:

'We received your submission but do not have enough information to address the issues with your listings at this time.

You need to send us an updated appeal that provides:

-- Greater detail on the issues that you believe causemd the complaints about your items.

-- Greater detail on the actions you have taken to resolve the issues that caused these complaints about your items.

-- Greater detail on the steps you have taken to prevent future complaints about the condition of your items.

To help provide a better understanding of why customers may have complained about the condition of your products, we have included summaries of the customer complaints about your items below:

Customers complained that the item they received was a different color, size, quantity, or variant than they ordered.

Customers complained that they received the wrong item or wrong brand entirely.

When submitting your appeal:

-- Review your communications from buyers to better understand the reason for the customer complaints, and provide an explanation for the issues that led to complaints about your items.

-- Be clear, concise, and as specific as possible. Focus on the facts and events that led to the issue rather than providing an introduction of your product, business, or customer. Remove other questions or references to ongoing support cases from your submission.

-- Do not limit your appeal to issues with specific orders. Instead, focus on the general practices you will adopt to prevent this type of issue in the future, considering the following questions:

--> Sourcing: Are you sourcing the product from a trusted supplier that sells items in new condition?

--> Listing: Is the product accurately described on Amazon? Have you ensured that the product detail page has all the relevant customer information?

--> Labeling: Are you following Amazon policy regarding labeling requirements? For example, are you specifying date type such as, manufacturing, production, or expiry, and presenting the information in a clear way?

--> Packaging: Is the product in its original packaging as listed on Amazon?

--> Shipping: Have you taken all appropriate steps and quality checks to ensure that the product is stored, packed, and shipped appropriately? Are you ensuring product has sufficient shelf life before shipping?'

Tags: Account Health, Deactivated, Product authenticity, Seller Support, Suspended
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In reply to: Seller_JpSadWFzcbFCf’s post

Do you have any more information on the "wrong product"? It looks like you sold a washing up bowl - did the buyer say they received something else entirely or just a different bowl?

I noticed from your other listings that the brand name doesn't seem to match the brand name on the item in the photos. Is that the case here? Is the buyer just complaining that the brand name on the product is different to the listing?

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In reply to: Seller_QuM1AZgzfU9x4’s post

There was no detail what was wrong, all I was told by Amazon was they complained a different/wrong product was sent despite selling hundreds without such complaint. I don't think the brand name is an issue as the active listing has been fine for a couple years without issue. The delisted item did not show any brand name in the pictures.

As far I'm concerned there are two options:

A) Buyer may have thought the item looks slightly different from picture but still complained it was a different/wrong product

B) Supplier may have given an incorrect unit by mistake.

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In reply to: Seller_JpSadWFzcbFCf’s post

Hi Caysify,

This obviously happened months ago

Did you manage to get in touch with the buyer?

Did you offer a full refund for the returned item?

Did you aske for a photo of the offending article?

This information might help understand the situation and respionses from the customer sent to ss to help resolve it...

All Best


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In reply to: Seller_19xPhE8YgkmxW’s post

Hi Brian, I have no idea which buyer made the complaint any picture I have no access to this information.

I would presume they got a full refund it is prime fulfilled.

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In reply to: Seller_19xPhE8YgkmxW’s post

Also presuming the buyer was right and the wrong item was sent, I am to accept that, now how do I prove to Amazon it wont happen again as per their instructions sent in the first post.

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In reply to: Seller_JpSadWFzcbFCf’s post

If it's FBA, then that means amazon sent the wrong product not you does it not considering you've sold 100's of them without any issue?

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In reply to: Seller_JpSadWFzcbFCf’s post

Ive been in a very similar situation like yourself very recently.

I sell a hat. Listing description clearly states it is made of simulated straw not actual straw. Ive sold 1000 of these with the only complaints being it too small/large or brim too wide - not much I can do about either.

Anyway a couple months ago 1 customer complained it was not authentic as it was not made from actual straw. This started a long dispute with Amazon with me having to prove authenticity of a hat!

In my case I refused to accept I had done anything wrong. Amazon asked for supplier invoices as proof of authenticity. These I sent and Amazon rejected saying they could not verify supplier (despite invoices having name, address, website, telephone number etc). Then they wanted supplier suppliers invoices! Obviously there was no way I could send supplier suppliers invoices - besides which my supplier was the manufacturer so there was no supplier supplier anyway!

Then Amazon wanted invoices going back last 365 days. I sent these and then again got rejected. It took several phone calls to find that Amazon were now rejecting these because (they said) the total bought last 365 days was lower than the number sold over same period.

So I did my own investigation. Another call to Support who told me if I went to Manage Orders, searched on ASIN and changed date range to last 365 days it would give me total orders. I did and got total orders - but not total sales. They were counting all the items sent back as well - when many of them could be re-sold. So total orders was going be higher than actual sales.

Also, as they only wanted invoices for last 365 days, I pointed out they needed earlier invoices because I had bought a lot of stock before this period so that I had the stock ready before I started selling.

Its now been sorted - but it took me weeks. Mainly due to the way Amazon phrase things and being too vague with what it is they actually want as proof. Even then I had to submit a letter explaining how I had calculated things myself (like only counting sales where customer kept item, and that they needed invoices from before 365 days ago).

I feel your pain and all I can say is keep plugging it. Call Support direct as they sometimes give you more information about why invoices are being rejected. But double check things for yourself too and prove logically the data.

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In reply to: Seller_JpSadWFzcbFCf’s post

What is the item, what ASIN?

Maybe then someone can think why an issue.

Does the item match exactly?

Same brand as in the title?

Where is the Brand name in the title on the item?

(as so many items say X brand in the title, then either the item is not branded, or has a different brand somewhere on the item, or packaging)

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In reply to: Seller_JpSadWFzcbFCf’s post

Might not help, but I faced a situation recently when all my listings suddenly became inactive, after 5 appeals, one lady told me that they don't look at previous appeals, and each time you make a fresh submission you need to start from the beginning and attach everything a fresh. It finally worked for me, might be worth a shot.

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