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Deactivation nightmare

by Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE


I am imploring Amazon moderators for help please. For the second time in a year I have had my seller account deactivated because of an alleged relationship with another account. In both cases the identity of the other account is completely unknown to me (2 different accounts) but no matter how many times I explain this to the verification team or whoever makes decisions on these matters my appeals are rejected and 'more information' is requested. Apart from the name of the other account I have no idea who they are or why Amazon could possibly see any connection. I have sent a gas bill and a bank statement hoping this would satisfy them ( neither of which was specifically asked for but suggested by Account Health adviser) but no good. I simply don't see what else I could provide. In my view there is no justification for this deactivation. Surely if Amazon suspect a link they should provide evidence to back up their assertion which I could then refute. Moderators, what do you suggest?

Tags: Deactivated, Suspended
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In reply to: Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE’s post

Calling Moderators!!!!

I have asked for your help but after one full day not one of you has responded. I would really appreciate some advice please.

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In reply to: Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE’s post

Have you tried mediation?

Amazon has a mediation program that can step in if you are not getting anywhere with seller support

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In reply to: Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE’s post

Hello @Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE,

I'm Abella from Amazon, here to assist you.

Based on your post, it appears you're concerned about your account being deactivated due to a connection with another account.

Even if you don't personally own another account, there seems to be shared information linking your account to another one. This connection affects the status and actions of both accounts.

Please review the information provided or previously entered into your current account that might be linking it to the other (primary) account.

Have any family members, friends, colleagues, employees, or third-party services ever accessed your account, or vice versa?

Do you share bank accounts, credit cards, or inventory with another Selling Partner?

Do you use the same computers, office space, or home address as another Seller?

To reactivate your selling account, please follow these steps:

Reactivate the related account first by submitting an appeal as instructed in the communication you received regarding that account.

For further inquiries, refer to the "Multiple Account Policy."

If you have further questions, kindly keep up posted, Seller forums community and I are here to support.



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In reply to: Seller_VJ4XoAkjDpjPH’s post

Thank you for responding to my plea. I confirm that my latest appeal, the 5th, has been rejected. No reason is ever given, just ' We do not have enough information to remove the violation at this time' It is most unhelpful and defies logic. What further information do Amazon expect me to submit? I answer No to each of the 4 questions starting with 'I do not recognise the other account'. I have only ONE Amazon seller account Eatwell Books and have NO connection with any other Amazon seller account, I work alone and nobody else has access to my credit cards, bank accounts or laptop. I have never been the victim of account compromise or identity theft, such as a stolen credit card. I have absolutely no idea WHY Amazon should link me with Edwards trading, I have never heard of them. If, as you state, "there seems to be shared information linking your account to another one" then why do Amazon not explain to me what that link is? If I don't know what the alleged link is, how can I possibly refute the allegation. It makes no sense. What would make sense is if I could actually speak to a human being to discuss it with them, someone who is evaluating this deactivation. But no, I am told it is not possible to have any direct contact with whoever these people are. Frankly it is outrageous. Another poster has suggested 'Amazon has a mediation program that can step in if you are not getting anywhere with seller support' This is news to me, if there is a mediation programme I would happily use it so is that possible?

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In reply to: Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE’s post

Edwards trading launched their account in 2016 but dont appear to have ever sold anything

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In reply to: Seller_RlZVPg3d6ZUGP’s post

could they have been a previous owner of your house for example? or at the address of someone who is on your amazon buying account?

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In reply to: Seller_RlZVPg3d6ZUGP’s post

Thank you for that link. I tried it and all I see is Edwards trading Just launched No feedback yet and a Customer Service phone number. How do you know they launched in 2016?

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In reply to: Seller_RlZVPg3d6ZUGP’s post

I can see no logical or obvious link between me and Edwards trading at all. I found references to 2 companies of that name online, both in North Wales (I am in Bristol) one has a retail business, the other does house clearance. I sell books! On the link you sent I can't tell what they are selling, can you?

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In reply to: Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE’s post

I dont think theyve ever sold on Amazon, just created an account ... unless someone has recently accessed/hacked their account and changed some info

i cant post the link but google seller ratings and then search for them which says they started in 2016

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In reply to: Seller_VJ4XoAkjDpjPH’s post

Dear Abella,

I am at my wit's end. My appeal (6th/7th?) has again been rejected bluntly as ever with 'Status: Our evaluation is complete, Submit new information' That's all, no dialogue at all despite my asking several questions. Here is what I said, please read carefully:

Once again I am being asked to provide the impossible. I have told you several times now that I have never heard of Edwards trading and consequently have no idea WHY you think I am associated in any way with them. I have truthfully answered NO to all the questions you pose above regarding using third-party services, account compromise or identity theft and I can confirm that nobody but me has any access to my seller account information, my bank account, credit cards or laptop. I am a sole trader and have no employees. How can I possibly 'submit an explanation of why you believe we have incorrectly detected that you are related to or associated with the other account on Amazon' when I have never heard of that other account? I can see no logical or obvious link between me and Edwards trading at all. I have found references to 2 companies of that name online, both in North Wales (I am in Bristol) one has a retail business, the other does house clearance. I sell books! A kind person on the Forum showed me a link to another firm on Amazon thus: Could this be the company you are associating me with? If so I would appreciate your telling me because otherwise I am in the dark. I would also appreciate your confirming you have received the 2 documents I sent before, a bank statement and a utility bill. If you require other documents to prove who I am please let me know. I would also repeat what I wrote last time - Amazon imposed an unwarranted deactivation on Eatwell Books last October when they accused me erroneously of being linked with 'Project+Mac'. After a full month of submitting multiple appeals every one of which was rejected, my account was finally reinstated without any explanation or apology. To this day I have idea why Amazon linked me with Project+Mac and I still don't know who they are/were. Kindly reactivate my seller account without more ado.

So Abella, how do I get Amazon's evauation team or whatever they call themselves to engage PROPERLY with me and answer those questions? I would welcome an opportunity to actually SPEAK to a HUMAN BEING rather than getting a robotic rejection without any explanation every time I appeal.

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