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Deactivation nightmare

by Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE


I am imploring Amazon moderators for help please. For the second time in a year I have had my seller account deactivated because of an alleged relationship with another account. In both cases the identity of the other account is completely unknown to me (2 different accounts) but no matter how many times I explain this to the verification team or whoever makes decisions on these matters my appeals are rejected and 'more information' is requested. Apart from the name of the other account I have no idea who they are or why Amazon could possibly see any connection. I have sent a gas bill and a bank statement hoping this would satisfy them ( neither of which was specifically asked for but suggested by Account Health adviser) but no good. I simply don't see what else I could provide. In my view there is no justification for this deactivation. Surely if Amazon suspect a link they should provide evidence to back up their assertion which I could then refute. Moderators, what do you suggest?

Tags: Deactivated, Suspended
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In reply to: Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE’s post

Calling Moderators!!!!

I have asked for your help but after one full day not one of you has responded. I would really appreciate some advice please.

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In reply to: Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE’s post

Have you tried mediation?

Amazon has a mediation program that can step in if you are not getting anywhere with seller support

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In reply to: Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE’s post

Hello @Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE,

I'm Abella from Amazon, here to assist you.

Based on your post, it appears you're concerned about your account being deactivated due to a connection with another account.

Even if you don't personally own another account, there seems to be shared information linking your account to another one. This connection affects the status and actions of both accounts.

Please review the information provided or previously entered into your current account that might be linking it to the other (primary) account.

Have any family members, friends, colleagues, employees, or third-party services ever accessed your account, or vice versa?

Do you share bank accounts, credit cards, or inventory with another Selling Partner?

Do you use the same computers, office space, or home address as another Seller?

To reactivate your selling account, please follow these steps:

Reactivate the related account first by submitting an appeal as instructed in the communication you received regarding that account.

For further inquiries, refer to the "Multiple Account Policy."

If you have further questions, kindly keep up posted, Seller forums community and I are here to support.



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In reply to: Seller_VJ4XoAkjDpjPH’s post

Dear Abella,

I am at my wit's end. My appeal (6th/7th?) has again been rejected bluntly as ever with 'Status: Our evaluation is complete, Submit new information' That's all, no dialogue at all despite my asking several questions. Here is what I said, please read carefully:

Once again I am being asked to provide the impossible. I have told you several times now that I have never heard of Edwards trading and consequently have no idea WHY you think I am associated in any way with them. I have truthfully answered NO to all the questions you pose above regarding using third-party services, account compromise or identity theft and I can confirm that nobody but me has any access to my seller account information, my bank account, credit cards or laptop. I am a sole trader and have no employees. How can I possibly 'submit an explanation of why you believe we have incorrectly detected that you are related to or associated with the other account on Amazon' when I have never heard of that other account? I can see no logical or obvious link between me and Edwards trading at all. I have found references to 2 companies of that name online, both in North Wales (I am in Bristol) one has a retail business, the other does house clearance. I sell books! A kind person on the Forum showed me a link to another firm on Amazon thus: Could this be the company you are associating me with? If so I would appreciate your telling me because otherwise I am in the dark. I would also appreciate your confirming you have received the 2 documents I sent before, a bank statement and a utility bill. If you require other documents to prove who I am please let me know. I would also repeat what I wrote last time - Amazon imposed an unwarranted deactivation on Eatwell Books last October when they accused me erroneously of being linked with 'Project+Mac'. After a full month of submitting multiple appeals every one of which was rejected, my account was finally reinstated without any explanation or apology. To this day I have idea why Amazon linked me with Project+Mac and I still don't know who they are/were. Kindly reactivate my seller account without more ado.

So Abella, how do I get Amazon's evauation team or whatever they call themselves to engage PROPERLY with me and answer those questions? I would welcome an opportunity to actually SPEAK to a HUMAN BEING rather than getting a robotic rejection without any explanation every time I appeal.

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In reply to: Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE’s post

I notice there is a phone number (of sorts) on the seller profile you linked to.

Does it ring any bells (no pun unintended) ?

I hope you get it sorted soon. Dealing with this sort of 'computer says no' situation on Amazon can be a nightmare.

Keep us informed.

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In reply to: Seller_RAXEWLxQ2dbmN’s post

No the number means absolutely nothing to me, as does the name Edwards trading. However I'm tempted to ring to find out who they are. I won't though because I don't want to be accused of anything untoward by Amazon. I could send a message via their Ask a question link, what do you think?

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In reply to: Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE’s post


This is for Abella but any Amazon moderator may reply. I am DESPERATE for your help with this insane situation. I am in a complete loop, unable to move forward because no matter what I say to the 'evaluators' I receive the same bald statement. As I said before all I ever get is

Submit new information

Status: Our evaluation is complete.

which looks to be a totally robotic response.

Who exactly is evaluating deactivations/reactivations anyway, which department/team? I have no idea because every rejection comes unsigned.

PLEASE read my post from yesterday enclosing the wording of my last appeal. All you need to know in order to help me is there.

Thank you.

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In reply to: Seller_RAXEWLxQ2dbmN’s post


Yes I rang that number and the man denied any knowledge of the other named account so that is a dead end. I passed this info on to the 'evaluation team' with my latest appeal and, guess what?

Status: Our evaluation is complete.

Submit new information

I can't say I was surprised but my frustration is sky high. I do not believe I have any more information to give them, I can only repeat that I have no link connection or association with the other firm and can think of no reason why Amazon should believe I have. So a complete deadlock.


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In reply to: Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE’s post

I'm in a similar boat. I can't imagine what you are going through right now. I'm going through something similar. This is absolutely ridiculous. Were you ever able to come out of this?

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In reply to: Seller_av1dafzkvUaBC’s post

Commiserations, I feel your pain, as the expression goes. You're so right, it is absolutely ridiculous. I keep ringing Account Health as there is no other way of contacting Amazon to speak to a human being. All they ever suggest is 'can you think of any way Amazon may think you own or are linked with the other account?' Well my answer to that is why should I have to rack my brains when I have no clue as to why Amazon accuse me of having a separate account that I have never heard of. It's competely illogical. Where is Amazon's evidence? They must have a reason to link me so for heaven's sake, tell me what it is? but no, they never give any clue at all, just 'submit new information'. Have you found the same?

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In reply to: Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE’s post

So frankly, I don't even know what the main issue is. I got a violation of Section 3 notice. I don't know if it's about having multiple accounts because I sell in multiple marketplaces. When I created multiple accounts in different marketplaces, I had no idea I wasn't supposed to because how else will I list and sell products in multiple marketplaces? The global list builder came only later, even if there were earlier, at least I had no idea about this.

I am stressed beyond words. I am so clueless.

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In reply to: Seller_av1dafzkvUaBC’s post

It looks as though you have a different problem from mine. I was told 'Your Amazon seller account has been deactivated in accordance with section 3 of the Amazon Business Solutions Agreement' but it is because I 'have a separate account ************** that was enforced for violating one of our policies' which is simply not true.

In your case it seems you DO have multiple accounts but for some reason Amazon have objected. I suggest you do as I have to do - ie get Account Health to call you back using this link

Need help?

Speak to an Account Health Specialist.

To learn more about the Account Health Support Team, click here

Let us know how you get on. Good luck!

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In reply to: Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE’s post

I tried doing that over and over again. I have spoken to 4 different account health "specialist".

They sent in my account for second review and the team incharge has apparently flat out denied it saying my account will NEVER be reactivated.

I have lost my sleep. Cried my eye balls out. Continue to live in absolute disbelief as to how they could do this after 4 years of selling. After doing everything by the book. Without doing anything wrong.

I suddenly first get accused of failing a video verification call (a call I NEVER had in the first place, but explaining it to Amazon million times was a complete failure).

Then I got a notification saying my National ID on Seller Central is different from the Aadhaar Card (It's a National ID document in India) I submitted. Except, it's 100% correct. I went through over and over again and I even resubmitted my National ID several times along with my Aadhaar Card only for each of those appeals to get rejected. This can literally mean only one thing, that the Aadhaard Card they have associated my account with is incorrect and it's an internal error.

My business is a sole proprietorship concern. There's no other owner involved. I own the business completely. Nobody else has access to the backend.

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In reply to: Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE’s post


Dear London Link 713,

I hope you receive this and can help. As you see I have had my account deactivated for the second time but because of an alleged link to another company, not the same one as before. 7/8 months ago we exchanged messages on this forum as you too were in the same position. My account was mysteriously reactivated after a month with no explanation or apology. My appeals are being rejected every time with requests for 'more information'. It is an impossible situation because I have no more information to offer. Did you ever have your account reactivated?

The forum moderators are useless and are ignoring my requests for help. Maybe you have some words of wisdom? I would be grateful to hear from you. Thanks.

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In reply to: Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE’s post

The moderators, the account health team and everyone else just repeat the company's line, basically I am guilty until I can prove I am innocent, something that is not easily done. I am not blaming the individuals, but I am not happy with the system and its bots.

To be honest, this is something that can affect one's mental health, because you keep banging your head against the wall and you are not believed. I am a fighter by nature and I don't give up easily but I was starting to question my own mental sanity.

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The forum moderators are useless and are ignoring my requests for help. Maybe you have some words of wisdom? I would be grateful to hear from you. Thanks.
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