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I left on Friday with only 7 suppression and I have come back today with 124

by Seller_nBOoM3pBs6Kuo

This is an ongoing issue that needs immediate attention. I am going to tag some other sellers that seem to be facing similar issues and hopefully, collectively we can escalate this.

There are certain brands that this seems to be a bigger issue in our catalogue but I would also say that no brand is safe. The main issues are, variations going missing overnight with no trace or explanation and vital attributes missing and we do not have permission to add these back.

Missing variations

I want to clearly outline some of the issues with the removal of variations. For clarity the variations that were being removed were random. There was no similarity in category or brand and it was never the entire brand or entire category.

  • Error 5461 - Consistently receiving this error and the response from seller support has been different every time. The previous batch where we had this issue, we were granted safety listing for a period of time. Upload would still see the errors coming through but we were able to manually create variations. These stuck for about a week before breaking again
  • Error 5461 round 2 - We are now being asked to submit seller applications to remove error 5461, this does not make sense as we would have submitted this application when we created the SKUs. Some of these were created 4+ years ago. The documents are old now so we would have to reach out to renew them which can take time. As I am sure many sellers and mods will sympathise with here, no one in the company is interested in spending time gathering this information just for the application approval to come through and not solving the issue.
  • Error 8032 - We are also seeing SKUs still attached to the parent that was removed. We have been told to add the parent ASIN to then delete and I'm sure you are already seeing the irony in this, but we are not approved to create variations as the same upload would have outlined, so we are going around in circles with this issue.

Missing Attributes

At the moment the main missing attributes are colour and size

  • Error 90004401 - We are consistently seeing this error that the colour or size has not been entered even though I will attached screenshots of the upload file as well as the upload file to show that this was in fact included when it was uploaded. I did manage to get on the phone and someone who outlined that the reason why we are getting this error even tho the information is there is because we are not approved.

It is impossible to sell like this and it affects some of our best-selling brands. Seller support seems just as confused as the sellers sometimes and cases go around and around with automated replies outlining why we are seeing errors and little to nothing is done about how to remove the errors.

More clarity is needed on why some variations are randomly being removed and why are some brand permissions are being revoked without warning.

Tags: Listings
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In reply to: Seller_nBOoM3pBs6Kuo’s post

Tagging Mods @Julia_Amazon@Simon_Amazon@Sarah_Amzn@Winston_Amazon@Ezra_Amazon@Spencer_Amazon@Sakura_Amazon_

Tagging sellers with similar issues @Seller_vtSzvxtW9StxE @Seller_d8YGbIjNqwFxn

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In reply to: Seller_nBOoM3pBs6Kuo’s post

I have had over 100 SKU's suppressed or removed from their parents over the last couple of weeks. Some I have been able to fix by getting permission to list the brand again.

Disney brand is a problem now as apparently they are not accepting applications for Disney at the moment. Written to the MD but they are ignoring me so I am stuck with stock I can't sell.

I also have issues with Bluey brand where I have been trying for 2 weeks to get permission and I just stuck in an endless email conversation with SS.

This has been a problem for a fair time now. Whilst it was annoying in the past I could fix it with some work. Now I can't fix some listings I need to consider if Amazon is the right place for variation listings and certain brands.

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In reply to: Seller_nBOoM3pBs6Kuo’s post

I have the same... thousands of suppressed listings and children broken from parents clearly due to brand issues but they don't say it is...

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In reply to: Seller_nBOoM3pBs6Kuo’s post
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In reply to: Seller_nBOoM3pBs6Kuo’s post

You are speaking on our behalf, several sellers have these grievances. The conspicuous silence from @Ezra_Amazon @Julia_Amazon @Sakura_Amazon_ @Sarah_Amzn @Simon_Amazon @Spencer_Amazon @Winston_Amazon despite repeated tagging across several threads is deafening.

I shall send a link of this thread to Jeff/Ajassy, our Amazon leaders.

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In reply to: Seller_nBOoM3pBs6Kuo’s post

Hello @Seller_nBOoM3pBs6Kuo,

thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Could you please provide the SKU's that have been affected? Alternatively, if you have already reached out to Seller Support regarding this issue, the case ID. @Seller_d8YGbIjNqwFxn @Seller_RKMV6Isr4EpPm

Kind regards,


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In reply to: Seller_nBOoM3pBs6Kuo’s post

I have this issue literally every week. My issue is with the colour and I get the below error:

'[color]' is required but not supplied

This is on ASIN's that have been selling for literal years where I have sold 1000's. The colour is always there filled out when you manually go into the ASIN, but its highlighted in red like there is no data there.

The usual fix is uploading multiple flat files after getting brand approval once again. This is to fix the color field and re-create the parent/child variation. I have a folder with flat files ready nowadays so I don't have to spend hours re-creating them each time.

I suspect they are all breaking when Amazon remove my brand approval because I have created the ASIN's and they are exclusive to myself.

I have a certain brand I sell where I have been approved 5 times since the 17th May 2024. Something is seriously broken with brand applications.

I just hope Amazon fix this glitch because it's sickening logging into Amazon to see 100+ supressed products of my best selling lines to then spend 3 days jumping through hoops for brand approval while losing sales, sales ranks and my own sanity.

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