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Products vanished, no answer from Amazon

by Seller_AK0byuRmR85DN


I'm victim of strong environmental problems with Electricity impacting on my life. I had to close down a 71 years old business shop, finding no buyer in this weird economical period. I decieded to apply for a SellerCentral account to deliver remaining parts of my shoes stock.

I did sold 1/4 of this stock and I wasn't worried thinking it will goes good with the spring comming. Came a strong hurricane in November impacting my house. Besides the fatigue of the environmental problems, I've been busy all the winter on the repairs of the house. Finally delivered I've had finally the time to prepare the Spring sales on Amazon.

Since it's a nightmare. 179 products of my stocks have simply vanished from any actions. When others items from the same shipments made to Amazon, with same brands are still actives. It represents a fair amount of money. I own them. I've bought them to well established brands as a renowed and serious distributor.

I datamined a complete list of ASIN+SKU and provided it to Amazon employees, but no one is answering to my questions.

When I request them to deliver me my stocks back, they don't answer the same.

What is happening I don't know. I need help and retrieve my stock's items.

Tags: Inventory
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In reply to: Seller_AK0byuRmR85DN’s post

Open a case regarding this problem and tag Amazon admins in this thread. The forum admins are much more knowledgeable and can provide better assistance.

I am experiencing a similar issue. 186 units from my shipments have gone missing. So far, only 20 units have been reimbursed. The remaining cases are still under investigation

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In reply to: Seller_AK0byuRmR85DN’s post

By the way, which warehouse did you send to?

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