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Seeking Feedback - Company Name Length Limitations in Seller Central

by Simon_Amazon

Hello Sellers,

We need your help to address an issue mentioned by a few Sellers on the Forum.

The current character limits in Seller Central are preventing some Sellers from fully entering their legal business names.

Specifically, the "Identity Information" section under "Account Info -> Business Information" only allows for company names up to approximately 40 characters. Any attempt to input a longer name results in truncation.

For Sellers with longer company names, this creates a mismatch between the name on their VAT registration and the name displayed in Seller Central.

To properly report this issue, we need more feedback from you:

  1. Share your stories! You can provide specific examples and company names.
  2. What proposal would you recommend for Amazon to support longer legal company names?

Drop your thoughts in the comments below. We’re listening!


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In reply to: Simon_Amazon’s post

Ummm....surely its increase the Company Name entry field to allow more than 40 characters.

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What proposal would you recommend for Amazon to support longer legal company names?
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In reply to: Simon_Amazon’s post

Agreed this is a bit of a non-question, however I would note that this is unlikely to be an issue for most UK based sellers and more for the overseas sellers who seemingly have deliberately, exceptionally long and incomprehensible seller names.

If one were being sceptical this may be done to make company identification hard and increase opportunities for VAT fraud etc.

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In reply to: Simon_Amazon’s post

From Companies House:

"The size of your company name can be up to 160 permitted characters"

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