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by Seller_fNHodZr6pdU2A


My UK seller account has been activated because my “other account” has violated many policies. Now I don’t know of any other account, I have only created and used one account the whole time. I tried contacting support to get more information but of course nothing happens, I don’t get a response and am just told I need to reactivate. I have other international stores under the same name, but they are all in holiday mode and I do not use them. I’m not sure if this “other” account is my international accounts or not. And if it is, which store is it specifically? I just want more information in general about my deactivation.

Tags: Deactivated
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In reply to: Seller_fNHodZr6pdU2A’s post

Go into each of your other marketplaces and check each one for Performance Notifications

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In reply to: Seller_fNHodZr6pdU2A’s post

As above - amazon will only ever give you the bare minimum of information.

It is likely to be another store (either a European one or US/Australia etc if you have those)

You will need to go into each store and check for any notifications.

Amazon also posted this the other day which is really useful. I mean, it would help if amazon didn't add me automatically and all my SKUs to international stores when they set them up, but hey ho. I look forward to getting added to automatically next year.

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