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Amazon are deciding to give away my stock? Returnless Refund of £140+

by Seller_ceEVqtuIx04Gw


Last week a customer ordered 3x1 item, a few days later it said:

Refunds total: -£139.47

The item never arrived

I contacted amz and received:

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

I understand you have contacted us regarding if your order will not be returned.

Kindly note that as per Amazon policy, a refund is a customer credit for all or part of the cost of a bought item. In some cases, we issue customers a "returnless refund". In other words, they are not required to send the item back to the fulfilment centre. This means they are not required to return the item. Some items that are not eligible for return may be eligible for a refund.

In your case, your product will not be returned to the inventory, it was a returnless refund and you will not be reimbursed for it.

Then to my amazement I just received this for a completely different item/ASIN :

Refunds total: -£148.89

Return not expected

Seller central just copy and paste the same reply

I can not afford to give away £300 worth of stock in 1 day

Tags: Refunds
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In reply to: Seller_ceEVqtuIx04Gw’s post

What are the items?

If you mention what they are someone may know why they are returnless or whether Amazon have made a mistake and they should be returned.

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In reply to: Seller_ceEVqtuIx04Gw’s post

Certain items cannot be returned to Amazon and the reimbursement policy states that if the items cannot be returned you won't be reimbursed.

Such items such as Shampoo and Underwear are items that are not eligible for a return

If the item is eligible for a return but Amazon tell the customer to keep it then you should be reimbursed within 42 days.

As stated if you can let us know what type of item it is we can advise better.

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In reply to: Seller_ceEVqtuIx04Gw’s post

Sounds like more of the usual Amazon nonsense to me....

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In reply to: Seller_ceEVqtuIx04Gw’s post


Send Amazon UK a 'Letter Before Action'

They will settle & you will always get your money + costs

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