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Update regarding the SFP Delivery Dates for the Easter 2024 / SFP weekend pickups

by Julia_Amzn

Dear Sellers,

Below, I'm sharing an update regarding the SFP delivery dates for the Easter 2024.

Thank you for raising this issue. We experienced some delivery disruptions over the recent Easter bank holiday weekend due to a temporary configuration error in our systems. This led to some orders not accounting for the Easter holidays.

This issue has been resolved and the necessary adjustments have been made. Your delivery performance metrics have been adjusted to ensure this issue has not impacted them. Future bank holidays will not face this issue so you can proceed as usual.

We are aware of the ongoing issue with SFP weekend pickups, and we are working to resolve it. I will keep you updated in this thread.

Thank you for all your contributions, call-outs, and data that you have shared.

Best regards,


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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post


Thank you for this. it is not really your job though to resolve, but appreciated someone at Amazon listens and understands the problem Amazon have caused.

When a Seller tells SS, they should have looked into this weeks ago, and told us they are aware of the issue and it will be resolved, not fob us all off, with generic replies as if we do not know what we are doing.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Shame I was enjoying the weekends off!

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Hi Julia

Can you please clarify moving forward

Does SFP have to ship at weekends or is Monday shipping ok ?

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Any updates?

We need to know for staff rotas for this weekend.


If the issue is not fixed customers are not offered delivery Monday and as a result it affects our buy-box positioning and our order volume.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Hello Sellers,

Thank you all for your cooperation regarding the SFP weekend pickups issue and for confirming that it has been resolved.

Apologies for the inconvenience caused by this situation.

I appreciate your understanding and patience!

Best regards,


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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Hi @Julia_Amzn,

Having checked our SFP order for today, we can see 0 orders are due to be shipped by today.

There are at least 17 orders placed after 4pm on Friday, all with a ship by date on Monday, despite our collection date and shipping settings set for Sunday pick up and dispatch.

It seems that we're still facing the consequences of this issue and it is impacting our weekend sales.

Please can you assist?

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In reply to: Seller_yRqzR0ZXUoeEk’s post



The issue still persists, with Amazon not recognising weekend collection and deliveries.

We have checked our Royal Mail delivery performance and they are delivering 98% next day. On our Amazon eligibilities page it says this is 94%. Given Royal Mail are responsible for this, and they are one of the only 2 approved SFP couriers, it doesn't make sense why we are affected by this? We use Tracked 24 for all our consignments.

We have 99.9% on time shipment, 98.7% buy shipping usage, 0% cancellation. All green metrics on 1,654 orders in the last 7 days.

There is nothing more we can do to satisfy requirements, and yet still are severely harmed over the weekend period when we show incorrect slow delivery times. I estimate we are losing out on around £3-4k sales revenue per weekend, not to mention dropped listings and the increased overheads we have running a Saturday shift in our warehouse.

It seems this trail is going cold, @Julia_Amzn are there no further updates at all?


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