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"Information needed for your Selling on Amazon payment account" - Banging. Head. Brick. Wall!

by Seller_6wgrRzWiU2mDB

We've been happily selling on Amazon UK for 15+ years. Have over 1K units in the FBA warehouses. We moved our business address end of April and changed this on our account. That's all, no other changes. Since then the requests for documents to verify our business have been extraordinary. We've provided every piece of info required, yet keep being asked for more, or for duplicates of what we've already provided. Well over 10 case logs / DMs via Twitter/X, direct messages to the 'verification team' and requests for escalation. Not getting anywhere and our stock is at risk of being returned. What on earth can we do, it feels like we're simply dealing with A.I. Why would a simple change of address warrant such ridiculous and pedantic requests for documents? Companies House are okay with our Limited business, so are HMRC, and our bank - documents forwarded to Amazon as proof. We've been a Limited business for over 30 years.

Tags: Verification
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In reply to: Seller_6wgrRzWiU2mDB’s post

Had a similar problem earlier in the year , which was sorted by smallbusinesscommissioner Liz Barclay who is based in Birmingham , can't post the link here as Amz won't let me! Just search for her on the internet.

Good Luck with your problem

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In reply to: Seller_6wgrRzWiU2mDB’s post

It seems to be a regular occurrence now on amazon but they do on us to withold our funds. we jumped through every hoop with each sale. It can be 3 months sometimes.

The latest was we needed to verify our payment methods... in all the eu countries AND they charged us a transaction fee for each one. We do not sell outside of the UK so why this was required we do not know.

Once we finally get our payment we will be closing our business down from selling on here.

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In reply to: Seller_6wgrRzWiU2mDB’s post

I have been facing the same problem for the past 6 months now. Amazon has asked me for the same documents since January. It got resolved in March, then received the same messages in May and then got resolved again literally a week back. Then received the same messages again this morning.

It’s very distasteful and frustrating to give the same documents again and again. The disbursements are also put on hold because of this, which is absolutely unacceptable.

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