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Overseas Postings

by Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN

Do I now have to send all overseas postings TRACKED as my VTR has plummeted overnight

Tags: Shipping
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In reply to: Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN’s post

VTR is only for domestic shipments, so there is maybe another reason for your VTR to have dropped - though there have been a few posts about this happening to others over past week or so.

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In reply to: Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN’s post

I asked Amazon Help about this and from what the reply says All post albeit Domestic or Overseas now has to be tracked

and is counted against the VTR

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In reply to: Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN’s post

Anyone got anyupdeas on this as I am having the same issues and seller central saying they should be tracked

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In reply to: Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN’s post

Hello @Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN,

Could you please share the case ID to the Seller Support Team so I can check it ?

Thank you @Seller_ZVAz3d5lZuGid and @Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh for your answers !



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In reply to: Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN’s post

@Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN , Thank you for the case ID. I see that the case is still pending Amazon's response.

Please let us know here when you get an update.

In the meantime, I contacted the relevant Partner Team to review your situation. I included @Charlie as well (I have an issue with tagging you).

Let me know if you get any updates or your VTR report changes.



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In reply to: Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN’s post

Dear Sellers,

If you experience the same situation, please let me know here and share the following information:

  • Case ID opened to Seller Support

I am monitoring this thread, and I have contacted our Partner Team to review it.



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In reply to: Seller_9WoNDSbKv0Xfu’s post

My reply from Amazon

I understand you are reaching out to us about the EU cross-border deliveries impacting the Valid Tracking Rate.

Upon reviewing the information, I discovered that you are asked to supply trackable numbers because you selected the carrier Royal Mail for your order, which is integrated and requests trackable delivery services


Not all Royal Mail services are Trackable for Overseas mail

This means I have no option but to buy through Amazon for all overseas post

Have stopped selling overseas

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In reply to: Sakura_Amazon_’s post

is the any updates on this a sI am really worried about my account

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In reply to: Sakura_Amazon_’s post

Case ID: 9880633762 - Urgent! They are not responding with anything!

Can anyone please help, can anyone see an issue here?

All these orders are international orders. We have never had this issue before.

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In reply to: Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN’s post

We didn't have RM selected. We just had "other" as usual and this is still going against our VTR so them blaming this in your case is just an excuse.

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In reply to: Sakura_Amazon_’s post

Hi there

can you add ours too

Case: 9887113932

SS keep trying to close the case with unhelpful resolution.


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In reply to: Sakura_Amazon_’s post

Hi Sakura!

We've received a response from Amazon CC to say that as a trackable RM service was selected we needed to input a number. A trackable service wasn't selected and we do as we always do and added "RM" > "stamps/franking". This has always been for internationals. Stamps/franking is not a trackable service so they are incorrect with this reasoning.

This issue has arisen since last weeks problem was solved for us where RM Tracked 24's and 48's were classed as invalid. They've solved one problem but created another.

case id: 9889051192

many thanks!


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In reply to: Sakura_Amazon_’s post

I am having the same issue.

Case ID 9890973252

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In reply to: Seller_QBYDtMunXcNNa’s post

@Sakura_Amazon_ any update on this please? Its so urgent

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In reply to: Sakura_Amazon_’s post

Hi Sakura do you have any updates on this issue

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In reply to: Seller_gN9g34EIWgbQI’s post

@Sakura_Amazon_ These are the replies I have received from SS so far. TOTALLY missing the point, as usual.

"Hello Party2u,

This is Laxman from Amazon's Account Health Support. Hope this email is useful to you.

I understand that you are worried about the Valid Tracking Rate metric negatively affecting your Account Health. I will be glad to help you with the required information.

Upon reviewing the impacted orders under the VTR metrics in the seller account I found that, there is no tracking information updated. This is the reason why your Valid Tracking Rate metrics got impacted.

I recommend that you download the VTR report, which is located on the account status page. The report will include all orders currently affecting your metrics. In Seller Central, go to the Performance tab > Account Status > Valid Tracking Rate.

To provide a good customer experience, it's important to update the correct tracking number before shipping the package.

Additionally, I would like to inform you that once scores have been earned, they cannot be modified or updated.

Some best practices for successfully uploading tracking information and maintaining valid tracking rate metrics:

--Select a carrier partnered with Amazon from the drop-down menu, as listed below. These carriers provide Amazon with real-time tracking status.

--Use a carrier integrated with Amazon.

--Check that the carrier name and delivery service details you have entered are correct. If the carrier name or delivery service is misspelled or contains any extra words, the tracking information will be marked as invalid.

--Check that the carrier name you entered is associated with the tracking number you entered.

--For any carrier or delivery service with a name in multiple languages, enter only the English name.

--Update the tracking number before the package is delivered so buyers can track the package.

In conclusion, I'd like to clarify that once you've captured a metric, you can't change it. Therefore, I recommend that you keep a close eye on your account as no action is required on your part."


"Hello Party2u,

This is Preethi from Amazon's Account Health Support. Hope you are doing well.

I understand you want to know the details of Valid Tracking Rate metrics impacting your Amazon Seller Account. Let me explain you in detail regarding the issue you are facing.

Upon investigating the orders which were flagged for Valid Tracking Rate metrics, I see that the tracking numbers provided does not fetch any tracking information on the carrier portal.

For Example :- Upon investigating, the "Order ID -" I see that the order was shipped through "Royal Mail" carrier with a tracking number "32023116500056BFC6D48" but this tracking number does not fetch any information on the carrier portal. as a result this order was flagged for Valid Tracking Rate metric on your Amazon Seller Account. The same applies for all the orders that are flagged for Valid Tracking Rate metrics on your Amazon Seller Account.

As you used Royal Mail, your shipment will only be exempt if you buy Royal Mail 1st and 2nd class letter stamps through Amazon Buy Shipping. Royal Mail 1st and 2nd class letter stamps are available through Amazon Buy Shipping at no additional cost. The carrier should have at least one physical scan stating the package was received from the seller which is missing in the carrier tracking portal. As a result your Valid Tracking Metric rate is being impacted on your Amazon Seller Account.

As a seller, its your responsibility to keep a valid tracking information. Even if the carrier does not update the tracking or delivery details on the portal, your Valid Tracking Rate metric would be impacted. As of now there is no risk of deactivation on your Amazon Seller Account, however I request you to keep an eye on your metrics so that you would not face any such issues further.

A few best practices to successfully upload tracking information and maintain a valid tracking rate metric:

- Choose carriers from the drop-down menu that are integrated with Amazon, listed below. These carriers provide real-time tracking status to Amazon.

- Use a carrier that is integrated with Amazon.

- Check that you've entered the carrier name and shipping service details correctly. If the carrier name or shipping service is misspelled or contains any extra words, then the tracking will be marked as invalid.

- Check that the carrier name you entered is associated with the tracking number you entered.

- For any carriers or shipping services with names in more than one language, enter the English name only.

- Update the tracking number before the delivery of the package, which allows the customer to track the package.

To provide a good buyer experience, it is important to update the correct tracking ID before the package is delivered.

Additionally, I would like to bring to your notice that the scores once captured cannot be altered/updated.

I'm sharing a resource below to provide additional information:"

The order she quotes is the ONLY UK order (which hadn't been scanned by Royal Mail on delivery. ALL the other orders are International to Republic of Ireland.

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In reply to: Sakura_Amazon_’s post

We really need an update on this. My VTR rate is now unfairly at 11.11% and I've not yet received a proper response from seller support. Just a couple of generic "we are still looking into this" type of updates. This will hit sellers who abide by Amazon policy and send to Ireland without tracking.

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In reply to: Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN’s post
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In reply to: Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN’s post

Hi there

can you add ours too

Case: 9887113932

SS keep trying to close the case with unhelpful resolution.


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In reply to: Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN’s post

Hello Sellers,

Thank you for coming back and providing the data that I asked for. Also, I reviewed the Seller Support answers that you shared here.

I am still working on it, but I will get back to you once I receive any updates.



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In reply to: Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN’s post

Hi all,

We are experiencing the same issue as other sellers here. Orders with earliest delivery dates of around the 11th of May that are outside the UK are flagged has having invalid tracking.

These orders are mostly being sent normal royalmail airmail large letter (DG4) and have the customs tracking number posted to amazon. We have

I too need help urgently.

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