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Featured Offer eligibilty of every ASINs on account

by Seller_gQHY7jMsEUZWX

Dear @Ezra_Amazon@Spencer_Amazon,

I trust this Message finds you well.

I am reaching out to address a critical issue affecting our business on Amazon. Over the past 2 weeks, we have experienced a drastic decline in sales, plummeting by 90%. Despite maintaining competitive pricing and boasting excellent seller ratings and account health, our buy box win rate has plummeted to 0% and on the seller app, the featured offer eligibility appears to be "NO" as shown in the screenshot attached.

This alarming situation is significantly impacting our business operations, and we are deeply concerned about the implications for our future success on the platform. As a full-time business reliant on Amazon, such challenges can be demoralizing and threaten our ability to sustain operations.

We urgently request your assistance in resolving this matter as soon as possible. Any insights or actions you can provide to rectify this issue would be immensely appreciated.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Tags: Buy Box, Feature Offer
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