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regarding about payment method

by Seller_zqnngiCO3Z0p5

any one can you help me about my problem on amazon account .

limited company in Ireland ,

credit card verification done adresss in Portugal .

I don't know why my account still restriction in uk and eu market but use Canada and Mexico market full active .

I got notification blew.....

Dear Seller,

We were unable to verify the information you provided when registering for a Selling on Amazon payment account and, as a result, your Selling on Amazon payment account could not be opened. Unfortunately, this means that you will not be able to continue to sell on Amazon. We leveraged a combination of automated means and expert human review to identify this issue and make this decision.Please take appropriate steps to resolve any open orders. Note that any amounts paid as a result of A-to-z Guarantee claims and chargebacks may be deducted from the balance in your existing Seller Account. Please do not hesitate to contact Seller Support with any questions you may have or if you believe there was an error: more information on selling requirements, go to "Information required to sell on Amazon": regards,Amazon Payments

Tags: Payments
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In reply to: Seller_zqnngiCO3Z0p5’s post

Hello @Seller_zqnngiCO3Z0p5,

Here Simon from Amazon.

As your query is related to Account Health, I will redirect your case to the team.



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