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Amazons 'Competitive Price'

by Seller_fj3M54GkuGQyT

Currently having issues with Amazon and their ‘competitive price’ policy.

I sell my products on Amazon for a whole £1 more than on my own website due to the fact my own website doesn’t have the fees I do on Amazon, however, Amazon are now enforcing that I must lower my Amazon prices to match the external prices they’ve identified, removing the buy box from the listings until I do

Clearly this is against competition laws (price fixing) but is there any way around amazons demands without having to go the legal route?

Interestingly, on doing a bit of googling, Amazon have been investigated for this in the past with their ‘price parity policy’ which they agreed to stop in the UK and EU in 2013 due to investigations by the Office of Fair Trading. They then stopped the policy in US in 2019, but are clearly doing the exact same thing with this current ‘competitive price policy’.

Ok, £1 isn’t going to break the bank but on 100+ sales a day it could cover someone’s wage each day so I don’t think it’s fair for Amazon to dictate what I sell my products for when I’m the manufacturer, brand owner and only seller.

Tags: Buy Box, Feature Offer, Fees, Pricing
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In reply to: Seller_fj3M54GkuGQyT’s post

We have come across the same issue just this weekend past. Amazon decided that my ASIN which is priced at £33.95 should be priced at £15.98!! This item costs £30 including all fees!

Best of it all is I am the brand owner, sole importer and reseller for this product. How the Amazon robot has detected this product being sold elsewhere is bemusing. I do not sell this product to anyone else to resell, if someone external to Amazon is selling this product it is a fraudulant seller.

The sales on this ASIN per month is £30k of which now we have nothing!

Support are not interested in discussing this at all and have told me to match the competitive price or the buy box won't be reactivated.

Can anyone assist this huge error!?

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