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Removing a large number of ASINs from EU Marketplaces

by Seller_SFroNyke7RXVg


We use build international listings to copy our UK offers to EU marketplaces. We have approximately 1,000 SKUs that aren't appropriate to list in Europe (UK Language specific, region coded, UK plug, too large, can't be sent airmail etc).

I have added them to the BIL exclusion list but this only prevents the price and quantity being updated; the offers remain live.

In the interim I have used the price update flat file to set the minimum price for the item in each marketplace to 99999,00 so that they're not displayed but ideally I'd like to delete them altogether. Does anybody know the easiest flat file to delete a large number of SKUs from one marketplace only (ie I don't want the UK 'parent' to be deleted)?

Or am I missing something altogether and there's an easy way to have BIL delete items in the exclusion list from the non UK marketplaces?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.


Tags: Add a product, Product removal, SKU
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In reply to: Seller_SFroNyke7RXVg’s post

Hello @Seller_SFroNyke7RXVg,

Here you can find some information on how to delete the listings using the Inventory Loader. Did you review this option?

Here, I am sharing information on how to do it:

"Closing a listing

You can also delete offers without deleting item data contributions by entering a ‘d’ in the ‘add-delete’ field when submitting Inventory Loader feeds. When you delete offers by entering a ‘d’ in the ‘add-delete’ field of a loader template, the offer-end-date attribute on the listing is set to a date in the past, but the offer quantity is not modified.

Your offers can also be closed through the Manage Your Inventory section of your Seller Account."

You can find more information about Inventory Loader here :



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In reply to: Seller_SFroNyke7RXVg’s post


If, in the past, you had a connection active, it means that the offer was already created in the target marketplace.

If you exclude the specific ASIN in the target marketplace, it means that it will not be updated in case you make any updates in the source marketplace.

However, this ASIN still exists in your inventory of the target marketplace, as you had a connection active in the past. In this case, you need to delete the ASIN from the target inventory.

I would recommend you review this help page: How to exclude and permanently delete international offers.

Let us know if you managed to remove your inventory from other marketplaces.



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In reply to: Seller_SFroNyke7RXVg’s post


I was informed that the Team is waiting for your response in case : 9862469702.

Could you please review it?



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