Read onlyI received an email from Amazon saying I have 60 days time to provide an IEN number for all my past shipments to the UK. I have used a freight forwarder that was selected by my supplier. They say they cannot provide this number for DDP shipments. They have made customs clearances using their VAT ID so the IEN numbers of each shipment would not be valid for my business.
In the shipments page I selected "The shipment does not have import records" and "My good were imported but my broker or logistics provider has not provided the IEN upon request".
Are these answers enough to be compliant? Should I order products as FOB instead of DDP and handle customs clearance under my name for future shipments?
Hello @Seller_tDwtZbb7OqIMC,
According to Amazon FHDDS policy documentation, you have 60 days from when the shipment is first received at an Amazon UK fulfillment centre to provide either a valid IEN or reason for not having one.
The IEN is issued to the customs declarant, which may be your logistics agent or freight forwarder. If you are using a freight forwarder, they should be able to communicate the IEN to you.
If you need assistance with customs clearance options, I recommend consulting with a customs broker or freight forwarder directly.
Best regards, Ezra