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How much should i expect form Wholesale?

by Seller_lHoPNNfn6QD7X

I turned 15 recently, I do amazon FBA Wholesale managed to get to 4k sales this month, I just have a genuine question do all the people doing Wholesale; how much do you make monthly, please specify if you are VAT exempt or not as soon for the 20% fulfilment fee to kick in I will be in a hard position, however in the past week I managed to find a new way to source suppliers soured 30 already.

Anyone who is here please drop a like because all my others got 100's of dislikes, a few G's helped me balance the dislikes and likes out.

Rate the hustle guys, going to make it! DONT SLOW DOWN!

Tags: Amazon Pay, Amazon business, International expansion
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In reply to: Seller_lHoPNNfn6QD7X’s post

If youve just turned 15 I assume your limited company and amazon account arent in your name?

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In reply to: Seller_lHoPNNfn6QD7X’s post

I turned 15 recently - I assume you mean 15 years of age ? If so then you cannot have an Amazon seller account of your own, you need to be 18, so as above reply, is the account in a parent/guardians's name ?

"During registration, you will be asked to submit proof of your identity, such as a passport. If it shows that you are less than 18 years old, it will be rejected. That's why you should ask your parents to register the account if you are not yet adult."

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In reply to: Seller_lHoPNNfn6QD7X’s post

Turnover is vanity, profit is sanity!

Remember that and you will do well.

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I do amazon FBA Wholesale managed to get to 4k sales this month
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In reply to: Seller_lHoPNNfn6QD7X’s post

Is this guy serious? or just winding us up

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In reply to: Seller_lHoPNNfn6QD7X’s post

There is no point in asking how much other sellers take or make, you will almost never get an answer to that, plus it's none of your business, plus it doesn't matter at all. What you concentrate on is your own gig, and whether it works for you.

Turnover is pointless without profit

If you have outgoings like fees then this is down to you to factor in. 20% fee is a significant business outgoing and should be treated as such.

If you are buying lots then it can make sense to be VAT registered as you can claim on your purchases.

Always remember though, if you are coining it in and are taking a chunk for yourself there is a person called the taxman, he will be delighted to hear from you at some stage, and he loves to back date anything he is owned. Plus on Amazon you have a perfect digital paper trail for him to look back on.

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