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Need help with the verification process - unable to upload requested documents

by Seller_JUBKr92RxPQUr

Hello everyone,

Our account was deactivated after regular verification process. Long story short - we've provided the standard business documents, Actual state certificate, bank statements, etc., and a month after - we've got suspended. I've tried to reach the seller support and they didn't give me an explanation or suggestion on how to proceed. Here is the message from the Performance notification:


Your Amazon selling account has failed our verification process. As a result, you can no longer sell on or any European stores. You should continue to ship open orders and respond to customer inquiries to avoid further impact to your account.

We leveraged a combination of automated means and expert human review to identify this issue and make this decision.

How does this impact my account access and account funds?

While you will not be able to use Amazon's selling services, you can continue to access your Seller Central account for the next 40 days. After this time, you will not have access to Seller Central, including to your financial reports. }

-- If you have funds in your account, you can request them after any amounts for A-to-z Guarantee claims or chargebacks on your orders have been deducted. This usually takes about 90 days, but funds may be held longer. Contact if you have questions about funds.

What should I do if I have items stored in an Amazon fulfillment center?

Within 30 days from the time we first informed you that your account failed verification, you need to create a removal order if you have any items stored in any Amazon fulfillment center. To do so, go to your inventory view on Seller Central:

You can choose to dispose of this inventory or have it returned to you. If within 30 days you do not create a removal order, we will dispose of your inventory and you will be debited for standard removal fees.

Why is this happening?

The document that you provided is not acceptable for verification.

I will appreciate any help on this issue, I saw you guys are very helpfull for the sellers: @Seller_VJ4XoAkjDpjPH@Sarah_Amzn @Ezra_Amazon @Jessica_Amazon_ @Winston_Amazon @Ash_AMZ @Maja_Amazon

Tags: Account Health, Deactivated, Suspended
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In reply to: Seller_JUBKr92RxPQUr’s post

Hello @Seller_JUBKr92RxPQUr,

I'm Abella from Amazon, here to assist you.

We greatly appreciate you reaching out with your inquiry. Rest assured, we are committed to putting forth our utmost efforts to assist you with your query.

I understand that you need help to reactivate your account as it has been deactivated due to "Verification Process".

Our team flags the accounts where the verification of your identity is required by law for the use of a payment account.

As per European Regulations and Laws, verifying your identity is required to allow you to use our payment service. You may need to provide us with certain information and/or documents in order to facilitate these checks.

How can I appeal Amazon’s decision to decline my application?

Verification decisions are final and are based on the information and documentation that we have received from you.

To Know more about Verification Process please click here.

There are several reasons why we may have declined to open your account. It may be because we were unable to verify your identity as required by applicable legislation.

Providing incomplete or inaccurate information is a common reason why verification may not be successful.

If you need any further assistance, you can post here so that we or any of the sellers on forum can help you.



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