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Letter Of Authorization problem

by Seller_PREQozqQgesAC

Amazon ask for veritification identity provide Letter of Authorization, i am sole trader. I take template from Amazon which they give to everyone and fulfill it and send them.But all time got response: invalid document!

Why this happen?

Can somebody help with this issue?

I log time now try to get out my lefted balance, but until now not succeed.

Tags: Deactivated
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In reply to: Seller_PREQozqQgesAC’s post

Try sending them a copy of your UTR no.

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In reply to: Seller_ZVAz3d5lZuGid’s post

Sorry, i have professional business account. And i am located out of UK.I was sell long time, and everything work. And in one moment account deactivated. now they ask Statutes (by-laws/articles of association) - Upload document

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In reply to: Seller_PREQozqQgesAC’s post

And i was sell from overseas, and send all parcels also from here, am i not in UK

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In reply to: Seller_PREQozqQgesAC’s post

OK, I am sorry, but I don't think I can be of much help to you, as I really only know about UK accounts. Where are you located ? Can you not contact seller support in the country where you are ?

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In reply to: Seller_ZVAz3d5lZuGid’s post

I am located in Latvia, and there no options like that. I was sell on Amazon platform and others EU Amazon platforms.

And now i am very frustated what to do! Letter of authorization was done and they aprrove it, but now ask this type of document from me,which not exist

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In reply to: Seller_PREQozqQgesAC’s post

For non-UK established businesses, it is now the law that Amazon have to collect the VAT on any sales. This will happen regardless of your VAT registration.

I think you are maybe caught in a verification problem and to be honest I do not know the way to get out of it. Amazon are probably asking for your VAT registration so they can collect the VAT on your sales. But you have no need to register for UK VAT as you are not physically storing goods in the UK.

Maybe (on Amazon at least) for non-UK established businesses they all have to register for UK VAT even when they are not physically storing goods in the UK. I cant say for sure but you need to see some specialist on the subject (and by that I do not mean anyone at Amazon).

Oh - and just to add you will find the same situation applies across all the EU sites now. Amazon have to collect the VAT for any business not registered in the country of the site.

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In reply to: Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q’s post

I understand, but i am not sell on Amazon more than 3 years, and my account also was deactivated long time ago. I not interesting sell again on Amazon, there just lefted funds from my past sales, more than 4000 euro. I wan't only take out my money,and it's all. Also i was finished veritication with Amazon Chime interview,they all aproved in my account, but UK seller central ask mystic documents which i never have.And i can't finish this process, and no one really from Amazon team help me, all time simple answers not even read the problem. Also, was contact the disburment team, they not even read my issue, just answer : case is closed, because account is deactivated.

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In reply to: Seller_PREQozqQgesAC’s post

It's not a letter of authorisation it's your letter from the tax office confirming your UTR number and address, had the same hassle a while back, sorted as soon as I sent the UTR letter from the tax office

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