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Lost inventory of £600 - confirmed delivered by UPS
In reply to: Seller_2H0qZ7q0Fd0Us’s postby Seller_gyA5uC1D5AZqK

I have recently had the same experience. A box of 200 units which I regularly to FBA was booked in/received from UPS to the FBA warehouse and then the 200 units were booked in as 200 and then -200. An investigation took place with Amazon saying that they had looked into it and now the case was closed.

I don't know what to do or why this would have happened. The box had the 200 units as usual, the box was received at the FBA warehouse, but had nothing in it?

How could this be? Any advice would be much appreciated.

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Hello, I have been talking to amazon for weeks now about inventory that we sent that they claim the contents didnt arrive.

The next step would be to take them to small claims court. Has anyone done this before?

Just to explain what happened: we send boxes to Amazon on 1 May 2024 via their own UPS service. They were tracked and delivered. The boxes were 15kg each (two inner cartons) with 32 units per box (around 330g each). Totalling 64 units.

They started checking them in, then weeks passed and the checked in quantity stayed on 0. It then eventually said that the shipment was complete and that it was short by 64 units(!).

I made the online request on the shipment for a review, and they said they recounted the stock across the warehouse and found 3 extra products of ours, but a different SKU (I assume this was nothing to do with the shipment, but just three extra items after a re-count)

I contacted them and asked them to investigate, after two weeks they came back and said that the investigation was complete and that they didnt receive any goods. They scanned in the boxes, the boxes were 15kg each. So how on earth have no items been checked off. According to their logic the boxes must have been empty because, of course, they cant possibly have lost the stock or boxes somewhere.

Is the next step making a claim through the courts? Any advice would be appreciated.

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Overseas Postings
by Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN
Amazon replied

Do I now have to send all overseas postings TRACKED as my VTR has plummeted overnight

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Overseas Postings
In reply to: Seller_MGIfFYxXbltB5’s postby Seller_lx3tBQ67kUzc8

No solution as yet. Just a generic response from my Amazon case saying they are looking into it and will get back to me. No change in my VTR rate, it's still at 12.5%. I buy all my postage from Amazon, it's only the few packages going to Ireland that I have marked as franked / stamps which have caused this.

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Incorrect Return Reason & Safe-T Claims
by Seller_IueLYzgVB31T0

Hi all,

Getting frustrated by Safe-T claims at the moment.

Customers are consistently selecting "Item defective or doesn’t work" in order to benefit from a free return (this is a shame in itself but a discussion for another time) when in reality it's a simple change of mind / too big, too small return.

The items in question don't quality for blanket free returns.

Until recently I have been successful in nearly 100% of Safe-T claims, however this last week or so I'm getting denied with the reason "The reason behind this decision is that the item for which you requested a reimbursement of the return label cost is eligible for Free Returns."

As above - the item, when FBM is NOT eligible for free returns.

Does anyone have any advise?

It's only costing us £10-15 per week, but obviously over a year that is as much as £780.

Thanks in advance.

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Trademark Violation but is My Trademark
by Seller_nXNgFfqJXy5yj
Amazon replied

I received a possibly incorrect complaint from another company stating that I was using their trademark, but my trademark is duly registered.

After Amazon's request, I duly sent my trademark registration to Amazon but 10 days have passed and Amazon still hasn't responded to me, but in the meantime that ASIN item has been suspended in my company market.

I repeat, I have sent all the UK and US documentation of my successful registration of my Trdamerk!

I wanted to ask if this has ever happened to anyone? and what are Amazon's response times? Is it possible that it takes so long to check the regular documents?

Thanks for anyone who wants to give me a kind reply.

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Trademark Violation but is My Trademark
In reply to: Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK’s postby Seller_nXNgFfqJXy5yj

@Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK There is no way. I always continue to send the documentation for my registration, and they always keep asking for it. They tell me that it is not acceptable and to send new documents, but more than the registration document of the trademark for my company, what should I do?

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Trademark Violation but is My Trademark
In reply to: Seller_nXNgFfqJXy5yj’s postby Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK

Hi @Seller_nXNgFfqJXy5yj,

I am still waiting for the response. I will do my best to speed things up.

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Account deactivated. Appeal rejected 20+ times
In reply to: Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4’s postby Seller_0bpslEX359dRn

hello @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4

I continue to receive the following notification after each appeal. Funnily enough, I have provided everything within each of the following points and more, yet my appeals continue to get rejected.

We received your submission but do not have enough information to reactive your account. Please provide the following information:

-- Evidence of delivery for recent seller-fulfilled orders. This may include buyer confirmation of receipt, proof-of-delivery documentation, or updated tracking information, if the tracking information you provided is incorrect. Tracking information may be provided in the Manage Orders section of your seller account.

-- Evidence to support identification of your business, such as business website or email, company bank information, or business registration information, if this is not already available on your Amazon account. Make sure your account is updated with your latest business information.

-- Supporting evidence that you have inventory to fulfill all of the orders placed, including those we have requested proof of fulfillment and delivery for. This includes but is not limited to copies of invoices (backed with proof of payment from your financial institution, such as credit card or a bank statement, showing remittance of payment for the amount of the invoice), receipts, contracts, delivery orders, or authorization letters from your supplier issued in the last 365 days.

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Account deactivated. Appeal rejected 20+ times
by Seller_0bpslEX359dRn
Amazon replied


I would appreciate some help if possible.

I have had my UK selling account deactivated for almost 6 weeks due to a high ODR %. They seem to think I simply marked orders as sent without sending them

Since the account was deactivated, I have spoken to Amazon Account support staff almost 30 times. Each time they suggest adding new information to my appeal and still I continue to receive the same rejection template email.

I have provided explanations and documentation for everything that has been requested plus more.

Originally, I was asked to provide proof of delivery for last 30 days. Then 60 days. Then 90 days.

Not only have I provided detailed excel spreadsheets with orders going back last 6 months which include tracking numbers, delivery status, refund status if so and reason for this, but I have also supplied picture proof of over 100 deliveries. I have provided my Incorporation documents, banking information, POA and a letter from the courier.

As everything has failed thus far, I tried to escalate my case to the MD office but I keep getting the same rejection emails or no replies at all.

It seems as if Amazon no longer cares much about helping Sellers reactivate their accounts.

Any help would be appreciated as this has become very frustrating and tiresome.

I’ve had deactivations previously and they lasted anywhere between 4-18 months. It’s fair to say, I cannot afford to be waiting that long again without access to funds that are being held.


someone please help



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