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A To Z claim team Must be removed
by Seller_H04Prg9Nc0Td4

There is no policy that protects the seller in any way, if there is truly a mistake on your part, all policies work against you,

But if you are right, policy will never work

Amazon provides customers with,

Use the products, spoil them, steal them and damage them, it's okay, we are with you, we always support people with bad intentions, it gives the image, we return their money and thank them, comedy

There cannot be such a team, it shouldn't exist, they have established an unfair system, I feel ashamed of this as sellers, there is no platform to complain about them, I sent all the emails but unfortunately the result is nothing, except losing your products.

Clearly, we are shopping as buyers, but we are not trying to harm any sellers.

There are so many people with bad intentions,

False claims filed by

The best thing is to start a signature campaign against this destructive team and organize all the sellers, we need to unite against this system that harms us by making personal decisions that harm so many businesses, we lose both money and products. There are people who order your products as Fraud, steal the parts, use the product and damage it, A to Z is just a Fraud team, and it is really the biggest danger for all sellers.

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A To Z claim team Must be removed
In reply to: Seller_H04Prg9Nc0Td4’s postby Seller_76AUwmqvSyRIM

Not saying that I don't agree, but ....

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A To Z claim team Must be removed
In reply to: Seller_H04Prg9Nc0Td4’s postby Seller_mS10UjVYuuGor

Look at it this way. If you have a physical store you're going to get shoplifters, this is simply the online equivalent. If you have your own website you will still get chancers who threaten negative trustpilot/google/facebook reviews unless they get their own way. If you haven't built an element of fraud/theft into your business model no matter where you sell you really need to look at your business model again.

Amazon takes the approach that the customer is (almost!) always right with an AI trained A to Z bot making most decisions in the customers favour unless it can be proven emphatically that the customer is wrong. Amazon does eventually remove customers buying privileges for persistent offenders.

You, like all sellers, are here because the customers are here and it is always your choice whether to be here or not. Harsh as that sounds, ultimately it's Amazon's site with Amazon's rules so you have to price in the occasional crazy A to Z going against you.

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hoping to get some clarity about FBA export orders - I recently seen an uptick in these, so assuming my FBA export setting is on.

My big concern is VAT - who is ultimately liable for it?

On Amazon FBA Export Help page, they say sellers are. But in order details I see it's Amazon?

I am UK-based, VAT registered here, but have no VAT registrations anywhere else in the world. I only do FBA.

Do I need to do anything else regarding VAT?

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This is an IOSS order. Amazon is collecting VAT on this transaction.
In reply to: Seller_zwoYg1nbgxxeu’s postby Seller_76AUwmqvSyRIM

Amazon will collect VAT for FBA Exported items using marketplace facilitator method.

The theory is that they deduct UK VAT and pay you the remainder. They then charge the customer the local VAT rate for their country. You do not pay VAT on those sales on that so you need to be careful with sales reports to identify those orders.

I said "in theory" as it is very common for sales, especially to Ireland in my experience but other countries also, that Amazon deduct UK VAT AND also the local country VAT before paying you. This is clearly wrong. This was commonplace before then seemed to have got fixed but in the last 2 months, it has started again.

I monitor all export orders and always claim reimbursement but it's so painful every time. It takes many case ping pongs before it gets sorted. Twice I've had to resort to legal action as that ends up being the only way.

I hope this was clear.

Good luck.

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A To Z claim team Must be removed
In reply to: Seller_mS10UjVYuuGor’s postby Seller_MT8rt0A2OpbCx

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ook at it this way. If you have a physical store you're going to get shoplifters, this is simply the online equivalent.

With a physical store you can use your own security measures, the same with your own website to minimise the possibility. With Amazon that opportunity is taken away completely, with a sign on the door "please help yourself" for the growing few who are dishonest. The number of dodgy refunds given by Amazon are multiple times the number or all other platforms.

The thing is, many don't see scamming Amazon (even though they are often taking from small businesses) as a crime, as Amazon can afford it, perhaps don't pay enough taxes and seem like a fair target.

Some have indicated that it is much more difficult to get a refund for something Amazon stock and sell directly, even with a genuine problem, that a third party seller via Amazon. I have no experience of this, so it may not be accurate. Perhaps another seller can confirm this.

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Just doing my admin in preparation for Monday - It looks as though "Automated Handling time" was activated on my settings at about 17h00 yesterday.

I've not requested this - it seems to have been been activated automatically.

Anyone else experienced this?

Have I missed a comunication?


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Amazon appears to have switched on automated handling time
In reply to: Seller_rSWqE1EE3s6B1’s postby Seller_HwaQlgFnhSuGS

We have just noticed our orders are all saying to ship the next working day, when our handing times are normally 2 days.

I have just checked and, like yours, our Automated Handling Times settings have been changed, which we have just switched off. We too did not request this. We keep our handling times at 2 days as we make most products to order and do not hold stock, so although we mainly ship out the next working day, we have a buffer zone. It also means that as we ship quicker we can use 2nd Class instead of 1st with most still arriving by the deliver by date. As our orders a low value, this postage saving is critical to keep our prices low.

I suspect a lot of sellers will tomorrow be seeing a ship by today to prevent late shipment metrics being hit.

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account deactivated in Amazon UK
In reply to: Seller_MT8rt0A2OpbCx’s postby Seller_kRPE2Tda9Ci92

No I don't have stock in FBA UK

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account deactivated in Amazon UK
by Seller_kRPE2Tda9Ci92

I have my account deactivated in Amazon UK.

In the page “List all VAT/GST registration numbers you have”

I must add my “Business Registration Number”, But my Portuguese tax number is not accepted.

I Have opted into Union-OSS in my home country And I have Tax Identification Number (TIN)in the European Union

I created four “Cases and Requests”, But they always answered me that I have to provide my “Business Registration Number”

If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it

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