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Recently, I received a report about the abuse of the Italian trademark VOLKSWAGEN, but my product has the words "compatible/applicable to", and it is still reported as infringement.

Is it a misjudgment?

Does anyone know what the situation is? Thank you

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Important Announcement: General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) Implementation
In reply to: Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN’s postby Seller_tz74iYhHLULoK

Has anyone had any luck finding a company who is reasonably price to act as an EU responsible person for your brand? We have not managed to find a company within budget to be able to do this on our behalf and will more than likely have to stop selling in Europe.

Some of the companies we spoke to want 1450 euros + 650 euros per product for the first year for RP representation, and this just isn't going to be a viable solution long term for us.

We are looking into Estonian e-residency in order to get around this at the moment.

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Important Announcement: General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) Implementation
In reply to: Seller_tz74iYhHLULoK’s postby Seller_RpMPaY6IiQd8r

we have found a company offering really attractive and reasonable rates, working throughthe fiverr profile Marko N. offering GPSR and other compliance services

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Acount verification for VAT liability UK
by Seller_4iW8YaYqSMbSC

Hello Let me explain the whole story in a few words.

Starting on 10 April 2024

Amazon indicate to us we need to pay GBP 47,258.28 VAT starting from 2021.

You can continue to sell, but your Amazon sales proceeds will remain temporarily ineligible for disbursement from this account, and any related accounts, until any UK VAT owed is paid to Amazon.

The company behind this account was established in August 2023, so it is impossible to have VAT from 2021.

According to the notification you (AMAZON) indicated to me, you also have to pay GBP 47,258.28 VAT ... THIS THING IS NOT POSSIBLE because we have not even generated sales of this amount, so we should have so much VAT to pay, which is wrong.

The company was founded in August 2023, so it is impossible to have VAT from 2021 to pay.

Until September 2023, the Amazon account belonged to a UK-based company whose owner was a UK resident for whom Amazon collected VAT.

After many many emails with we send all the document requested like: id, passports, driving licence, contracts, bills, banck statments, invoice .... etc.

Since April and until now, no concrete answer, every time I send an email or open a case, the same answer is returned to me:


Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

My name is Guillaume and I am contacting you regarding your VAT liability request. Thank you for your patience in this case. I understand how important this is for you and I am glad to assist you the best possible way.

Please let me inform you that our internal teams are working actively on your case. There is no action required from your side and I will keep you updated about the process.

Thanks again for your patience. We remain available.

Have a nice day !


Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

We understand how important is this matter for you. In response to your inquiry regarding the VAT applied to your invoices, we would like to inform you of the following:

The corresponding department is still working on your case and we will get back to you as soon as we have further information to provide.

We appreciate your patience and it was a pleasure to assist you.

Thank you for selling with Amazon.


on 19 June:

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

Thank you for your patience. At the moment, I am working with our internal team to reach a resolution on your case. While I don’t currently have an update, I will follow up with you as soon as additional information is available.

Thank you for selling with Amazon.

Sara B.


3 months have already passed and nothing.

Does anyone know how soon the verification will be completed?

Can anyone help me speed up the verification process?

Very bad impact on store sales near to zero for 3 months.

Thank you

any help is highly appreciated @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr @Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B @Seller_VJ4XoAkjDpjPH @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_fgtTzyHQfOM1x @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH

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GPSR what exactly do I need to do?
by Seller_YAgpNIaM2D9c0

is there a company that can provide a responsible person?

and what will happen to the products that I have already in stock in Amazon warehouse that doesn't have the new required labeling

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EU VAT unsubscribe
In reply to: Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH’s postby Seller_EYDIvQ9EwmyWT

i need to do the same. Avalara not helping. And amazon say to speak to Avalara.

I am getting the odd penalties that I am aware of. Not sure how many more penalties are to come from missed filings by Avalara/amazon over the years.

One of the biggest regrets was signing up for avalara and eu vat services on amazon.

If you can please guide on how to deregister vat in the pan-eu countries

Thank you

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EU VAT unsubscribe
by Seller_B1rupXTT5HSMo
Amazon replied

Hi, Does anyone know how I can unsubscribe from THE VAT services in the EU? I am going to pull out of the EU (apart from maybe France) and need to cancel the pretty useless VAT service.

Despite selling in France, I rarely have any VAT return to pay and now I'm faced with some odd VAT charges from 2020 and late payment fees.

Shambolic mess.


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Registering for VAT in Europe - Biggest Amazon Regret
In reply to: Seller_ae51e0CJoHqCX’s postby Seller_EYDIvQ9EwmyWT

Thank you for your help, it seems as if none of the official channels are giving answers. Sorry to keep asking questions but this is very stressful.

I have noticed CZ, for last few years on Amazon it shows as "No filings applicable for this month as per the country filing timelines."

Is this the same for yours?

Reading online it states nil returns should still be filed monthly. I hope Avalara has been doing them in the background and maybe not updated it on Amazon as they were nil.

Thank you for replying.

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For my sins, I registered many years ago with Amazon and Avalara for VAT in Europe. I think I was one of the first to do it.

It is my biggest regret so far and the amount of support from Avalara and VAT services has been truly awful, with many surprises leading to penalties and alsorts of costs implemented not just by the revenues but also Amazon themselves using VAT services as a mechnaism to draw reveunue and hold your funds and compliance to ransom.

I am now going through de-registration and trust me this does not get much better and they are just doubling down by stopping services and then penalising me on top to perform these services outside of their own scope.

I'm sorry if this is not making much sense but nor is this whole sorry process that Amazon and Avalara and if anyone is thinking of getting involved and wish to talk to someone that has walked the walk, then by all means do so.

Apply to join the sellers and expand FBA into Europe at your peril. It could sink you.

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Registering for VAT in Europe - Biggest Amazon Regret
In reply to: Seller_EYDIvQ9EwmyWT’s postby Seller_ae51e0CJoHqCX

Oh my lord, strap yourself in.

Regards Italy and Poland, I'm not de-registered, you have to have your affairs in order before it takes place. That's the point I am going through the mill and these issues are just not getting dealt with.

Avalara are doing the de-registration process as I requested the service prior to them deciding they were no longer going to offer it.

Italy contacted me directly and I must warn you they are 6 years behind, they contacted me out of the blue last year with a hefty bill and interest coupled with additional penalties. They were for retroactive returns that were filed way back in 2016.

This is the point Avalara have the data and did do it manually and I am not sure that when the systems were put in, it may have triggered extra filings that had already been done hence I was asking for confirmation but they just don't help you out and say it is nothing to do with them and I must have missed their notice to me.

The main issue is that your liability is with the revenue not your tax partner hence the reason why I think Avalara are bailing.

Avask offered to do all of the work for me but on a consultancy basis outside of Amazon and wanted something around the region of £4000 just for the de-registration services alone with nothing at the end of it, hence the reason for persevering.

My advice to anyone is get out of tax registration in Europe and stay out no matter your size. Even if your corporation is huge and you make a lot of transactions, the reality is that the liabilities are likely to be huge and trust me you are on your own when you hit the problem.

You can still trade in Europe without any of this nonsense and pay the additional cross border fees. I can't see for any reason how the costs and liabilities of registrations outweigh the additional costs.

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