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Results for "15pc카톡인증◆(텔그@𝙄𝙎𝙀𝙐𝙇𝙏𝘼𝙇𝙆⸥ 해외카톡파는곳∓국내카톡파는곳⋄모바일카톡인증업체▘실명인증판매⤃"

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Account Deactivated Section 3
In reply to: Seller_EEsC3TXT2hJlF’s postby Seller_GnfwUNu4kP47c

Fingers crossed youll hear soon, mine got reactivated at about 18:15pm i remember it lol

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Referral Fees Series. Part 1
In reply to: Seller_5VsVlvdiDnITx’s postby Seller_yr4TlcuTjThYJ

We got stung on this for express shipping too. I realise technically it's correct, but our standard shipping is free (RM48) and we charge £1 extra to upgrade to RM24. The £1 costs us 17p in VAT and 15p in fees so we only actually get 68p to pay for the upgrade and make no additional money from it. It seems a bit tight on Amazon to decide as we are offering an additional service to the customer and making zero money from it, to hike up the charges because now it's over the threshold.

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Update on reduced referral fee for low-price Clothing and Accessories
In reply to: Seller_ZQyopdiwkUHOZ’s postby Seller_ae51e0CJoHqCX

Good luck with getting any overcharges being reimbursed, I have been chasing overcharges as my products were wrongly categorised as jewellery and paying a whopping 20.4 percent.

I have been sending reports since December last year and it is still waiting on them coming back.

Please note, no overcharges will be automatically reimbursed, you will have to contact seller support and seller support will ask you to fill in a spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet will involve you going into each and every transaction asking you to input the referral fee charged, how much should have been charged and then the difference along with the individual order number.

You cannot do them in bulk so if you have a lot of low value items meaning you are making a a claim back for say 15p per item but you have lots of them, you will spend an eternity going through them for little benefit.

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